I met an 80 year old man that sat and talked to me for 30 minutes. What a creative person. He is the kind of person I want to be when I grow up. He showed me portraits he has painted since he started painting 3 years ago, he is making a hydrogen contraption of some kind to power his car because gas prices are so high, he got in a car accident (is now using a walker) and is planning out how to make his crashed car fly, he has made his own instruments. What fun. When his grand kids come over they always ask, "What are we doing today Grandpa?". He is an inspiration to them and is a true inspiration to me. And, he is enjoying the whole process.
What a great week-end. I met this man at the Clinton Fall Festival where I had a booth. This is a small town festival that has been going on for 30 something years. I put my booth in the lost and fine arts area where I demonstrate making stained glass, sell my work, and get the opportunity to talk to people like this man.
When people say they are not creative I just don't often agree. Creative doesn't mean you have to make stained glass like a pro, paint portraits like the masters, or be a creative writer. I think it means being like this man. Somebody who is willing to try something different and enjoying the process regardless of how it turns out. If it doesn't turn out the way you plan, you turn it into something different. Sometimes it is wonderful and sometimes it needs to be scrapped. But, not pushing it to the next level because you fear it might not be perfect... to me is a lack of creativity. And that can be overcome by pushing through whatever problems or insecurities might be getting in the way.
This is where I like to be and where I am on a good day!
Pat Deere