Tecumseh, MI puts on a really nice event that supports breast cancer research. It is called Tecumseh's Art Bra Auction and it is held at the Purple Pear Tree.
The photos here show two bras I donated in 2005 and 2006. The black one was made using glass frit, glass stringer, and embellished with brass filigree. The glass bra on the right was made with fused clear glass bottles and other found objects.
The following information is an excerpt from Tecumseh's Downtown Develpmont Authority's web site:
October is National Breast Cancer Awareness Month, a fact that does not go unnoticed in Tecumseh. Merchants throughout the city are planning events that will take place from October 18 through the 24. Mark your calendar for the Tecumseh Art Bra Auction. This entertaining evening takes place at The Purple Pear Tree in downtown Tecumseh. This year the date is Thursday,October 22, from 5:30 to 7:30 pm. Artists have been invited to create and submit their own interpretation of bra art. All entries are on display during the evening, and folks are encouraged to bid on their favorite pieces. Purchase your ticket for this unique event at The Purple Pear Tree or Evans Street Station. Tickets are $25.00 and include live music, delicious food, fantastic art and wine. All proceeds are donated to The Hickman Cancer Center. Call 517-424-6003 to find out more about Tecumseh’s Art Bra Auction.
I will be going. I don't have a donated item this year but I will enjoy the event. Hope to see you there!
Pat Deere
Links: Facebook Link for the Art Bra Auction