365 Days Of My Life As A Studio Artist: Day 57
Day 56 Donations: $6.29
Donations Running Total: $38.3168
Today's Growth Idea: Feeling kind of blue... means I have to allow myself to feel sorry for myself for a few minutes. Then, get over it and get some work done.
My History: Seems like a good day to talk about past employees, what worked and what didn't, what I learned, etc. Hiring has to be one of the most difficult parts of owning a business. Paying somebody enough to keep them if they are good, and allowing them to be let go if they are not pulling their weight. I was pretty fortunate when I first opened my business to find somebody named Flo. She had been in the glass business for a long time and was very beneficial to me. She was able to give me advice and suggestions if she saw them and was also willing to do the work that needed to be done when necessary. My customers loved her and I did too. That was not always the case though.
Today's Business: First of all I have to get past the fact that our new office assistant, Dana, who we love has found another job. It is tough. With the economy the way it is we probably were not paying her what she was worth. On the other hand, she was just getting to the point after about 3 months where she was able to move forward with some of the things that would have helped her and us. So, on top of getting ready for my show this week-end, working on my Flint patterns, and making jewelry and vases for this week-end... I have to consider how to move forward from here. Do I want to train another person for 3 months and have them leave for a better opportunity? Should I hire somebody for the sales end of our business, keep our previous bookeeper for payroll and taxes, and another part time person for filing and incidentals? This may keep the flow going if I lose one leg of the operation. Continuity was and still is a concern. Think I'm ready to get back to work.
Today's Photo: Titled: Lady In Blue. This was a fun piece I donated to our local gallery, the LCVA (Lenawee Council for the Visual Arts) for a fundraiser a few years back. They asked people to make boxes, things that looked like boxes, were box shaped, etc. Although this was a strech... it worked. I made it with scrap pieces of painted blue glass, a sandblasted face left over form another project, and part of a fused glass piece that broke. Kind of wish I would have kept this one.
Pat Deere
LINKS: I'll be at the Palace of Auburn Hills Spring Home & Garden Show on Friday and Saturday. Come check it out!
Day 51: Give to a good cause... the Ann Arbor Skatepark
365 Days Of My Life As A Studio Artist: Day 51
Day 49 Donations: $.41917
Donations Running Total: $32.04675
Today's Growth Idea: Give to a good cause using your talents to their fullest. Today's cause is the effort a large group has been working towards building a skate park in Ann Arbor, MI.
My History: The more I thought about this building the more I felt like it was meant to be mine. My life was extremely busy with my boys now all in school, my home life a little hairy, and my business growing but still not very profitable. I am continuing to put money into more glass and supplies, advertising, and creating relationships with other businesses in the area. I liked the idea of this new studio because it was on one of the main roads in Adrian and almost everybody coming into Adrian would see my sign. It attracted people from Hillsdale, Toledo, and of course Lenawee County.
Today's Business: My Flint windows. The drawings are not going as smoothly as planned. I bought The Glass Eye software program because I could use it to print on a large sheet printer (2' wide). But, I am having trouble getting it to print properly. The lines are not lining up and, it doesn't show the detail of my border lead, and the size appears to be off. Not good. These windows need to be exact because they will be placed in thermopaned glass prior to installation. So, looks like I am taking what came off the printer and altering it by hand.
Today's Photo: Titled: Travis, Mid-Air My latest crushed glass piece (on the left) was inspired by a photo of my son Travis (on the right) skating in some off the wall spot. My original intention with this piece was to cut the figure and tire with a band saw to get a good likeness of him. My second thought was to try it all in crushed glass. I like it. Although it is more abstract looking, I think it gives him more movement and makes the piece look alive. He said the event is 12-6 tomorrow at 704 Airport Drive, Ann Arbor.
Pat Deere
~Article about Washtenaw County pledging $400,000 towards the park.
~Event info on Facebook from Red Belly Boardshop in Ann Arbor.
Featured Glass: Travis Mid-Air will be added to my web site. The site has changed some so if it is not on there today, it will be added shortly. Any photo can be created in crushed glass. What a great gift for the person who has everything don't you think?
Day 49 Donations: $.41917
Donations Running Total: $32.04675
Today's Growth Idea: Give to a good cause using your talents to their fullest. Today's cause is the effort a large group has been working towards building a skate park in Ann Arbor, MI.
My History: The more I thought about this building the more I felt like it was meant to be mine. My life was extremely busy with my boys now all in school, my home life a little hairy, and my business growing but still not very profitable. I am continuing to put money into more glass and supplies, advertising, and creating relationships with other businesses in the area. I liked the idea of this new studio because it was on one of the main roads in Adrian and almost everybody coming into Adrian would see my sign. It attracted people from Hillsdale, Toledo, and of course Lenawee County.
Today's Business: My Flint windows. The drawings are not going as smoothly as planned. I bought The Glass Eye software program because I could use it to print on a large sheet printer (2' wide). But, I am having trouble getting it to print properly. The lines are not lining up and, it doesn't show the detail of my border lead, and the size appears to be off. Not good. These windows need to be exact because they will be placed in thermopaned glass prior to installation. So, looks like I am taking what came off the printer and altering it by hand.
Today's Photo: Titled: Travis, Mid-Air My latest crushed glass piece (on the left) was inspired by a photo of my son Travis (on the right) skating in some off the wall spot. My original intention with this piece was to cut the figure and tire with a band saw to get a good likeness of him. My second thought was to try it all in crushed glass. I like it. Although it is more abstract looking, I think it gives him more movement and makes the piece look alive. He said the event is 12-6 tomorrow at 704 Airport Drive, Ann Arbor.
Pat Deere
~Article about Washtenaw County pledging $400,000 towards the park.
~Event info on Facebook from Red Belly Boardshop in Ann Arbor.
Featured Glass: Travis Mid-Air will be added to my web site. The site has changed some so if it is not on there today, it will be added shortly. Any photo can be created in crushed glass. What a great gift for the person who has everything don't you think?
Day 51: Playing Hookie
1. hookie 205 up, 18 down
A day in which liberty is taken upon oneself to exclude themself from school or work obligations while, most likely, pretending to be sick or having a death in the family. Usually this time is spent with a significant other (i.e. hookie for XXXkie), a sports activity (i.e. golf or playstation), or just plain sitting on ones XXX all day editing & writing definintions for modern slang words over the internet. Commonly referred to as "playing hookie".
Partial definition from Urban Dictionary
A day in which liberty is taken upon oneself to exclude themself from school or work obligations while, most likely, pretending to be sick or having a death in the family. Usually this time is spent with a significant other (i.e. hookie for XXXkie), a sports activity (i.e. golf or playstation), or just plain sitting on ones XXX all day editing & writing definintions for modern slang words over the internet. Commonly referred to as "playing hookie".
Partial definition from Urban Dictionary
Day 50: Do one thing at a time.
365 Days Of My Life As A Studio Artist: Day 50
Day 49 Donations: $
Donations Running Total: $31.607.28
Today's Growth Idea: Do one thing at a time. Sometimes I can get overwhelmed with all that has to be done. I will make plans to finish 10 things and at the end of the day only completely finish a couple. I heard some good advice from somebody named Anne yesterday. She said she has learned if she finishes completely, one thing at a time her life goes much smoother. I can easily get sidetracked by starting one job, answering the phone and forgetting what I started so I go off on something new, only to find my unfinished project still sitting where I left it.
My History: So I have found this building that I love from the outside and feel compelled to call and get information on. I know I have already moved from my first little space, to my second location on the second floor of the Bidwell Building in Tecumseh, to my current location in a mall of sorts in Adrian. Do I want to move all of that glass again? Moving is not easy. Moving thousands of square feet of glass is another issue all together. My mind got clouded over with visions of a real sign, a 16' sign, lots of space, and knowing that once I have my own building I can do what I want with it and not have to move again.
Today's Business: Dana and I have been doing great with our procedures manual and having regular meetings to keep up on what is going well and what still needs to be done. Today we are having another meeting for that purpose. Our manual is working well but we have quite a few pages that are hand written notes that need to be typed and added to the book so it can be properly used. Yesterday my goal was to finish a leaded glass window, a pattern for another window, and start a pattern for some kitchen cabinet doors. I got sidetracked, like I talked about in the beginning of this blog. Today, I will write those things down on my list of important things and not forget about what most needs to be done today.
Today's Photo: Earlier in a blog I mentioned working with the Seasons Restaurant in Adrian. I ran across this news article that showed the interior of the building. My lamps are on the ends of each of the long tables. They were made with Spectrum glass, slumped over hand made molds, to create long molten looking pieces of glass to create the lamps with.
Pat Deere
Featured Glass: Since we are talking about lamps, I am adding this new lamp to my web site for purchase. Check it out on the link below!
LINKS: http://www.picturesinglass.net/panelsandlamps
Day 49 Donations: $
Donations Running Total: $31.607.28
Today's Growth Idea: Do one thing at a time. Sometimes I can get overwhelmed with all that has to be done. I will make plans to finish 10 things and at the end of the day only completely finish a couple. I heard some good advice from somebody named Anne yesterday. She said she has learned if she finishes completely, one thing at a time her life goes much smoother. I can easily get sidetracked by starting one job, answering the phone and forgetting what I started so I go off on something new, only to find my unfinished project still sitting where I left it.
My History: So I have found this building that I love from the outside and feel compelled to call and get information on. I know I have already moved from my first little space, to my second location on the second floor of the Bidwell Building in Tecumseh, to my current location in a mall of sorts in Adrian. Do I want to move all of that glass again? Moving is not easy. Moving thousands of square feet of glass is another issue all together. My mind got clouded over with visions of a real sign, a 16' sign, lots of space, and knowing that once I have my own building I can do what I want with it and not have to move again.
Today's Business: Dana and I have been doing great with our procedures manual and having regular meetings to keep up on what is going well and what still needs to be done. Today we are having another meeting for that purpose. Our manual is working well but we have quite a few pages that are hand written notes that need to be typed and added to the book so it can be properly used. Yesterday my goal was to finish a leaded glass window, a pattern for another window, and start a pattern for some kitchen cabinet doors. I got sidetracked, like I talked about in the beginning of this blog. Today, I will write those things down on my list of important things and not forget about what most needs to be done today.
Today's Photo: Earlier in a blog I mentioned working with the Seasons Restaurant in Adrian. I ran across this news article that showed the interior of the building. My lamps are on the ends of each of the long tables. They were made with Spectrum glass, slumped over hand made molds, to create long molten looking pieces of glass to create the lamps with.
Pat Deere
Featured Glass: Since we are talking about lamps, I am adding this new lamp to my web site for purchase. Check it out on the link below!
LINKS: http://www.picturesinglass.net/panelsandlamps
Day 49: Know how to figure cash flow!
365 Days Of My Life As A Studio Artist: Day 49
Day 48 Donations: $
Donations Running Total: $31.607.28
Today's Growth Idea: Know how to figure cash flow!
My History: You know how you have in your mind exactly what you want a studio to be. I had seen a picture in a magazine of this studio/gallery that was long and skinny. It had lights that came down from the ceiling in a variety of colors that lit the counter below. It gave me ideas of what I wanted my ultimate studio to be. This building was 2.5 floors high, it had a 16' sign, tin ceiling, trellis like structures perfect for hanging glass, and it would cost about the same per month that I was currently renting my space for. I knew this was worth further investigation.
Today's Business: We are finalizing quotes in response to the last show we attended and met with Graham Fleming (our representative from SCORE). Graham is helping us understand how to read reports that will keep us on top of our business. It is almost embarassing to say that report writing, reading, and deciphering has not been a common practice for us. We use Quickbooks, but don't utilize it the way we should. I am typing up my notes from our meeting to be sure we can adequately create and use the reports we create in the future.
Pat Deere
LINKS: Custom designed lamps to work with your existing base can be made by us at Pictures In Glass.
Day 48 Donations: $
Donations Running Total: $31.607.28
Today's Growth Idea: Know how to figure cash flow!
My History: You know how you have in your mind exactly what you want a studio to be. I had seen a picture in a magazine of this studio/gallery that was long and skinny. It had lights that came down from the ceiling in a variety of colors that lit the counter below. It gave me ideas of what I wanted my ultimate studio to be. This building was 2.5 floors high, it had a 16' sign, tin ceiling, trellis like structures perfect for hanging glass, and it would cost about the same per month that I was currently renting my space for. I knew this was worth further investigation.
Today's Business: We are finalizing quotes in response to the last show we attended and met with Graham Fleming (our representative from SCORE). Graham is helping us understand how to read reports that will keep us on top of our business. It is almost embarassing to say that report writing, reading, and deciphering has not been a common practice for us. We use Quickbooks, but don't utilize it the way we should. I am typing up my notes from our meeting to be sure we can adequately create and use the reports we create in the future.
Pat Deere
LINKS: Custom designed lamps to work with your existing base can be made by us at Pictures In Glass.
Day 48: Architectural salvage... I love it!
365 Days Of My Life As A Studio Artist: Day 48
Day 47 Donations: $
Donations Running Total: $31.607.28
Today's Growth Idea: Architectural salvage businesses can be a real plus! While in Chicago I was able to visit architectural artifacts, inc. They are an architectural salvage store, museum and events business. Had I not left my purse at home and had to depend on my friend for gas, food, and toll money, I probably would have made some purchases there. I get such inspiration from a store like this and often find pieces I can use in my stained glass panels. If you have time, check them out on the web and definitely visit them while in Chicago.
My History: So I am going along with my business, raising my boys, bringing them to the studio often with me and still trying to figure out my sign situation. As business people do, I am always looking for opportunities. One of the local businesses, Smith's Cyclery, was selling their building. I walked by, looked in the window, and oh my gosh...
Today's Business: Catching up from the last week and week-end. My glass did not come home with me, they will be shipping it. I did get the drawing for my last window for Flint, and that is the Veterans Rights window. So, I will be looking through my bins looking for glass that I have in stock, and figuring out what I will need to fill in the blanks. I published my new blog and wrote to both churches looking for their input and photos. Nothing real exciting today. And... that's ok.
Today's Photo: This came from the home page of architectural artifacts, inc.
Pat Deere
LINKS: architectural artifacts, inc. store museum events
Day 47 Donations: $
Donations Running Total: $31.607.28
Today's Growth Idea: Architectural salvage businesses can be a real plus! While in Chicago I was able to visit architectural artifacts, inc. They are an architectural salvage store, museum and events business. Had I not left my purse at home and had to depend on my friend for gas, food, and toll money, I probably would have made some purchases there. I get such inspiration from a store like this and often find pieces I can use in my stained glass panels. If you have time, check them out on the web and definitely visit them while in Chicago.
My History: So I am going along with my business, raising my boys, bringing them to the studio often with me and still trying to figure out my sign situation. As business people do, I am always looking for opportunities. One of the local businesses, Smith's Cyclery, was selling their building. I walked by, looked in the window, and oh my gosh...
Today's Business: Catching up from the last week and week-end. My glass did not come home with me, they will be shipping it. I did get the drawing for my last window for Flint, and that is the Veterans Rights window. So, I will be looking through my bins looking for glass that I have in stock, and figuring out what I will need to fill in the blanks. I published my new blog and wrote to both churches looking for their input and photos. Nothing real exciting today. And... that's ok.
Today's Photo: This came from the home page of architectural artifacts, inc.
Pat Deere
LINKS: architectural artifacts, inc. store museum events
Day 47: Our Lady of Lourdes Church
365 Days Of My Life As A Studio Artist: Day 47
Day 46 Donations: $
Donations Running Total: $31.607.28
Today's Growth Idea: Getting inspiration from churches I have visited. I have information on this church on my blog (with a link at the bottom of the page): ChurchesAndChapels.blogspot.com . I love visiting other churches when I travel. This one is undergoing a lot of renovation, but we were able to visit it during the process. Unfortunately, they were having a prayer vigil so I was not able to take my camera in for pictures. I am emailing the church to see if they will send some I can post to my Churches and Chapels blog.
Today's Business: Visited Ed Hoys in Chicago for a glass buying spree. Picked up the glass I needed for my Flint windows, with a few exceptions. Tried to keep the costs down because the budget on these windows is VERY tight. But, I had to just go for a few pieces even though it was probably more than I should be spending. I know people are not going to look at those windows and say, 'Wow, what a beautiful window for the price'. They will be judging the windows on what they see, not how much I am being paid for them. It is kind of a dilemma. This piece of glass from Kokomo (Celtic, code: CEL) has an interesting story. When I visted the Kokomo glass manufacturing building in Kokomo Indiana I was given a tour by one of the owners. He showed me this glass, which was made by a glass restoration company to restore the public buildings in Texas. The roll was given (or purchased?) by Kokomo Glass Company and now they make the same texture but are not allowed to make it in clear because that is the glass that was used for the restoration projects it was originally created for in Texas. To make a long story short, this glass is what I will be using for the top of the building for my Arab American Civil Rights window. You can visit Kokomo glass for tours of the building and watch their glass making process - great day trip!
Today's Photo: Taken from the website: http://ololchicago.parishesonline.com/scripts/HostedSites/org.asp?p=9&ID=5316
Pat Deere
Kokomo Glass Company
Day 46 Donations: $
Donations Running Total: $31.607.28
Today's Growth Idea: Getting inspiration from churches I have visited. I have information on this church on my blog (with a link at the bottom of the page): ChurchesAndChapels.blogspot.com . I love visiting other churches when I travel. This one is undergoing a lot of renovation, but we were able to visit it during the process. Unfortunately, they were having a prayer vigil so I was not able to take my camera in for pictures. I am emailing the church to see if they will send some I can post to my Churches and Chapels blog.
Today's Business: Visited Ed Hoys in Chicago for a glass buying spree. Picked up the glass I needed for my Flint windows, with a few exceptions. Tried to keep the costs down because the budget on these windows is VERY tight. But, I had to just go for a few pieces even though it was probably more than I should be spending. I know people are not going to look at those windows and say, 'Wow, what a beautiful window for the price'. They will be judging the windows on what they see, not how much I am being paid for them. It is kind of a dilemma. This piece of glass from Kokomo (Celtic, code: CEL) has an interesting story. When I visted the Kokomo glass manufacturing building in Kokomo Indiana I was given a tour by one of the owners. He showed me this glass, which was made by a glass restoration company to restore the public buildings in Texas. The roll was given (or purchased?) by Kokomo Glass Company and now they make the same texture but are not allowed to make it in clear because that is the glass that was used for the restoration projects it was originally created for in Texas. To make a long story short, this glass is what I will be using for the top of the building for my Arab American Civil Rights window. You can visit Kokomo glass for tours of the building and watch their glass making process - great day trip!
Today's Photo: Taken from the website: http://ololchicago.parishesonline.com/scripts/HostedSites/org.asp?p=9&ID=5316
Pat Deere
Kokomo Glass Company
Day 46: It is inhumane, in my opinion, to force people who have a genuine medical need for coffee...
365 Days Of My Life As A Studio Artist: Day 46
Day 45 Donations: $
Donations Running Total: $31.607.28
Today's Growth Idea: It is inhumane, in my opinion, to force people who have a genuine medical need for coffee to wait in line behind people who apparently view it as some kind of recreational activity. (by: Dave Barry) . Sometimes you just gotta have it to help you get through the day, especially on the days when you are trying to pack 2 days worth of work into one.
My History: One of the books I considered my glass bible talked about self promotion. That is not something I was good at during this time of building up the business for my studio. Stained glass is something people like, are curious about, shows up well in pictures, and is not something you see everybody else doing. I am realizing now that it makes good news - but didn't take advantage of it during the early years of my business.
Today's Business: Today I am finishing picking out glass for my Flint windows. I already have the glass picked out for 2 of them: Women's Rights and Arab American Rights. I am currently working on getting the glass for, "The Migrants" window by Greg Perez. I still have to pick out glass for 5 other designs before leaving for Chicago in the morning.
Today's Photos: The section of the design shown above by Greg Perez shows Supreme Court Justice Sonia Sotomayor surrounded by Hibiscus Flowers which are the state flower of Puerto Rico, Monarch Butterflies that migrate to Mexico every year, Oyamel Fir trees that the butterflies are drawn to, and the coffee plant that is representative of hispanic origin. Greg's link is below where you can see a photo of the full design. I am so excited to work with Greg on this window because his approach to art is so different from mine. I am hoping I can learn a new skill that will be put to use in other projects. His specialty as an artist is printmaking with linoleum and wood. The photo to the left shows my glass easel, 5 sections totalling about 5'x15', with the glass selections for this window laid out. The photo to the right is a close up of one section of the window with sections of glass I will be using for the hibiscus, the Ruby Throated Hummingbird, the Oyamel Fir Tree, and the Monarch Butterflies. I like to lay the glass out on the easel with photos I use for reference, in the order they will appear in the final design. It helps me to picture the finished window in my head and see how all of the glass colors will work with the rest of the glass chosen.
LINKS: Gregorio Perez, Arte Goyo
Day 45 Donations: $
Donations Running Total: $31.607.28
Today's Growth Idea: It is inhumane, in my opinion, to force people who have a genuine medical need for coffee to wait in line behind people who apparently view it as some kind of recreational activity. (by: Dave Barry) . Sometimes you just gotta have it to help you get through the day, especially on the days when you are trying to pack 2 days worth of work into one.
My History: One of the books I considered my glass bible talked about self promotion. That is not something I was good at during this time of building up the business for my studio. Stained glass is something people like, are curious about, shows up well in pictures, and is not something you see everybody else doing. I am realizing now that it makes good news - but didn't take advantage of it during the early years of my business.
Today's Business: Today I am finishing picking out glass for my Flint windows. I already have the glass picked out for 2 of them: Women's Rights and Arab American Rights. I am currently working on getting the glass for, "The Migrants" window by Greg Perez. I still have to pick out glass for 5 other designs before leaving for Chicago in the morning.
Pat Deere
LINKS: Gregorio Perez, Arte Goyo
Day 45: Preparing for my glass buying trip to Chicago on Sunday.
365 Days Of My Life As A Studio Artist: Day 45
Day 44 Donations: $
Donations Running Total: $31.607.28
Today's Growth Idea: Prepare for my trip to Chicago. Ed Hoys, my main glass supplier, is having their annual sale this Sunday. I have been in the past and always get great deals. But, I am not always as prepared as I should be to maximize the trip. That is changing today.
My History: One of my biggest struggles at this point... still... is advertising. Where to spend my money. What advertising is working well. What is not working. I spent quite a bit of money on newspaper ads. The only one that worked that I got a direct response from was a full page ad I did in combination with other businesses to advertise and event we planned for Lenawee County churches. The ad was very expensive and did not bring in enough of a response to consider that type of advertising again.
Today's Business: I have started, and will finish, pulling glass for all of my Flint windows. I have talked about what a tight budget I have on these windows. So, it is imperative for me to fully utilize whatever glass I have in stock and get the rest at a discount. Dana is following up today on all of the leads we got from the Cottage and Lakefront show.
Pat Deere
Day 44 Donations: $
Donations Running Total: $31.607.28
Today's Growth Idea: Prepare for my trip to Chicago. Ed Hoys, my main glass supplier, is having their annual sale this Sunday. I have been in the past and always get great deals. But, I am not always as prepared as I should be to maximize the trip. That is changing today.
My History: One of my biggest struggles at this point... still... is advertising. Where to spend my money. What advertising is working well. What is not working. I spent quite a bit of money on newspaper ads. The only one that worked that I got a direct response from was a full page ad I did in combination with other businesses to advertise and event we planned for Lenawee County churches. The ad was very expensive and did not bring in enough of a response to consider that type of advertising again.
Today's Business: I have started, and will finish, pulling glass for all of my Flint windows. I have talked about what a tight budget I have on these windows. So, it is imperative for me to fully utilize whatever glass I have in stock and get the rest at a discount. Dana is following up today on all of the leads we got from the Cottage and Lakefront show.
Pat Deere
Day 44: Looking for fund raising events.
365 Days Of My Life As A Studio Artist: Day 44
Day 43 Donations: $1.404973
Donations Running Total: $31.607.28
Today's Growth Idea: Looking for charitable events that are looking for a fun way to raise money that won't cost them anything. Dana is beginning to start a list of events and any help she can get would be great. If you know of an organization that sponsors an event, let us know who it is and we will contact them to see if Tara can be helpful to them. Just click on the link to her blog listed below with your idea, and we will follow up with it. We will keep a list of her travels on the blog and post photos of people she impresses along the way.
Today's Business: Unfortunately, I am heading to Kentucky for a funeral... so today's business is cut short.
Pat Deere
LINKS: http://www.whereintheworldistaradeere.blogspot.com/
Day 43 Donations: $1.404973
Donations Running Total: $31.607.28
Today's Growth Idea: Looking for charitable events that are looking for a fun way to raise money that won't cost them anything. Dana is beginning to start a list of events and any help she can get would be great. If you know of an organization that sponsors an event, let us know who it is and we will contact them to see if Tara can be helpful to them. Just click on the link to her blog listed below with your idea, and we will follow up with it. We will keep a list of her travels on the blog and post photos of people she impresses along the way.
Today's Business: Unfortunately, I am heading to Kentucky for a funeral... so today's business is cut short.
Pat Deere
LINKS: http://www.whereintheworldistaradeere.blogspot.com/
Day 42: www.WhereInTheWorldIsTaraDeere.blogspot.com

Day 41 Donations: Now that the show is over, I am back to work and can make some money?!
Donations Running Total: $30.2023
Today's Growth Idea: Where In The World Is Tara Deere? I have had this mannequin for quite a while. She started out when my husband brought her home for target practice and I saved her life because I knew there was more purpose for her than that. A mosaic was created on her that I started a new blog for called, "Where In The World Is Tara Deere" that will document where she is going and where she has been. My goal is to raise $10,000 from her before she is retired to a good home.
My History: At this point I was getting a pretty good following of students for classes. I created outlines for each of the classes I taught to be sure I covered all the bases. At that time, each class created a specific piece from start to finish... a little different than I do today. I always try to be sure when a student left, they knew the basics of cutting class, grinding, foiling and soldering so if they never took another class again, they could probably get by.
Today's Business: Today was spent cleaning the studio so we can set up our projects, meeting with a representative from the SCORE Office about figuring job profitability, and preparing for tomorrow.
Today's Photo: The beginnings of Tara.
Pat Deere
LINK: http://www.whereintheworldistaradeere.blogspot.com/
Day 41: Know my limitations!
Day 40 Donations: $ .60275
Donations Running Total: $30.2023 (My running total donation is going to the Sand Lake Volunteer Fire Department for my labor for sandblasting the beveled glass retirement plaque for them.)
Today's Growth Idea: Know my limitations. This is not always easy for me. I feel like I should be able to do everything that has to do with glass. I often can, but I can't always do it justice.
My History: While in this studio I was commissioned to create new windows for St. Joseph Catholic Church in Adrian. This was my first church commission and it consisted of windows created in a mouth blown glass called, Lambert's Clear Reamy, framed with brass came, and included a beveled border with names of parishioners sandblasted into them. I had the opportunity to experience the church on a committee level. This was a wonderful opportunity for me and it is always satisfying for me to know when working with projects like this, that they will likely be installed there for at least the next 100 years.
Today's Business: The plaque shown here was just picked up by one of the volunteer firemen. I explained my limitations with the sandblasting equipment I have, and they are happy (even though I saw flaws). We decided next time to create the letters larger, because the issue with the equipment I have is that it does not clearly blast through my resist if the letters are really small. I am in the process of cleaning up after the hurricane came through and dropped of all of the stuff that was in my trailer and the rented Budget truck from this week-ends show.
Today's Photo: St. Joseph Catholic Church, Baptistery.
Pat Deere
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