
Day 95: Getting out the brushes and paints.

Day 95:  Getting out the brushes and paints.

Day 94 Donations: $

Donations Running Total: $160.94

Today’s Growth Idea: Work on class idea for use while visiting France and Italy.

My History:   So I am coming to work in the morning, climbing a 20' ladder to paint the walls (and I hate heights), pulling up carpet and exposing the wood floors in the area that will house my work tables, kilns, etc.  I think we pulled up 5 or so layers of tile and carpet to get to the wood.  In the front section of the studio I planned for glass bins and display areas.  The space was perfect for what I needed to do.  The sign at this point is just on the drawing board.

Today's Business:  It was fun to get out the paints and begin working on ideas for the classes I would like to give while overseas.  Our plans have changed a little and I will fly into London, go through France, and fly out of Florence, Italy.  While visiting the museum exhibit with Kristina Deere yesterday, we had the opportunity to brainstorm about different ideas.  The focus for now is coming up with a viable plan that can be used for one day workshops.  I love the idea of working with a steel frame and incorporating crushed glass pieces - similar to those I have shown in the past.  The idea behind this is, the steel frame can be welded and treated, sent to the college along with the glass ahead of time, then when I arrive I can simply create the fused glass with the students and slide them into the framework previously created.  The painting here is simply the beginning.  But, I like the idea and it is giving me something take to the computer and perfect.

It feels good to be back on a roll.

Pat Deere


Day 88: There is nothing like the Kiwanis Trail

365 Days Of My Life As A Studio Artist: Day 88

Day 87 Donations: $

Donations Running Total: $160.94

Today’s Growth Idea: Rollerblading brings me to a wonderful place where I can be grateful for what I have and think about what I need to do in the upcoming week.

My History: When I first bought my Adrian building things were getting a little easier for me. Two of my children were full time students at Sacred Heart Montessori School in Adrian and my youngest was in ½ day kindergarden. He loved school and wanted to go all day like his brothers so he could eat at school like they did.  For anybody who is a mom that works, knowing your children are in good hands and happy while you are working means everything.  While in Adrian, I could take my children to school, go straight to my studio, pick them up at the end of school and either bring them back with me or take them to the Christian Family Center where they could spend time with friends swimming, playing basketball, or play games for a couple of hours until my studio closed.  Most days, this worked out well.

Today's Business:  Getting ready for my trip to France.  So many places I want to put on my agenda, I am beginning to look at all the prospects and about ready to buy my plane ticket.  Thinking about all of the places with stained glass that will be a must for me to see makes me think about all of the wonderful places right here near us.  Today, I went to church at St. Mary of Good Counsel Church in Adrian.  I wrote about it in my blog http://churchesandchapels.blogspot.com/ .  A wonderful church with a new sculpture on the way.

Pat Deere

Tecumseh / Adrian Kiwanis Trail


Day 85: Always time for coffee... my personal adrenaline.

365 Days Of My Life As A Studio Artist: Day 85

Day 84 Donations: $

Donations Running Total: $160.94

Today's Growth Idea: Put on a pot of coffee.  I am so sluggish and need a little boost.  Coffee will do that for me.

My History:  Going to the sign committee was interesting.  There was some discussion about it being a traffic hazard (?), not being readable from the road (?), and from what I remember it wasn't well received because it wouldn't be a good reflection of what I do.  In my own mind I remember thinking, what better reflection of what I do than creating a sign made from glass.  Needless to say, I did get my approval and the job of cutting many square feet of glass began.  For the 1/2" squares, I would cut a square foot of glass at a time scoring over score lines horizonatally and vertically then breaking all of the pieces with running pliers.

Today's Photo:  My personal adrenaline.  At dinner this week-end, watching the cream mix into the coffee became the topic of our table.  Even my cousins 4 year old daughter was intrigued by the designs it made.  When I get sluggish and can't figure out what to do first in the middle of a busy day... coffee and music always help.

Today's Business:  Getting some inexpensive items ready for a show I have coming up.  This is kind of hard for me... but I am doing my best.  Because this isn't a fine art show, I know I have to sell items in a more affordable price range.  We came up with some night light, jewlery holders that I will highlight some time next week.  I am also getting another section of my Women's Rights window ready for soldering, and finishing a stained glass window that I am retrofitting for a customer in Dearborn.  But, before I do any of that, I need to respond to a customer who called yesterday about a set of 4 church windows.  Definitely need the coffee because we are leaving early tomorrow to visit with my son in Sault Ste. Marie, and watching my youngest sons first hockey game of this season tonight.  Not much time.  Maybe I need a pot not just a cup of coffee.

Pat Deere


Day 83: Finishing my taxes so my brain can concentrate on other things!

365 Days Of My Life As A Studio Artist: Day 83

Day 82 Donations: $

Donations Running Total: $160.94

Today's Growth Idea:  Finishing my taxes so my brain can concentrate on other things!

My History: Once I closed on this new building on Maumee Street in Adrian, I immediately began working on my sign ... it was such an issue with my old building.  The sign committee had a history of being a little difficult to get your ideas accepted by, so I chose to use the existing sign board and create my design over the top of that.  The only thing I would need to convince them of would be my design idea.  You can partially see the sign from my building in today's photo.  It was a 16' long sign created in glass mosaic in 4 - 4' sections.  Since I love carousels, that was the central design.  My studio name was at the top and STAINED GLASS STUDIO in large letters was at the bottom.

Today's Business: Inventory.  This is one of the most time consuming things I do.  It took us a day and a half to inventory the new glass I brought back from Chicago during my suppliers annual glass sale.  Because so much of it was sale glass, it did not necessarily have codes on it so we had to figure it out as we went along.  Once the inventory was done and the glass put away, we cleaned the studio so we will be ready to work tomorrow.

Today's Photo:  This picture shows the "working area" of my studio... never enough space.  After my Adrian studio burned and I moved to my "temporary" studio next to my home, I had to learn to work with a lot less space.  Along the walls I have grinders, a work bench, a welder, a torch, a sandblaster, air compressor, kilns, and shelving for works in progress.  In this photo, on the right are my glass easels and my work tables move around from place to place as I need the room.  You can see the glass for my Women's Rights window is taking up temporary housing on the floor.  Once soldered, it will be placed on the glass easels so I can see it finished with light behind it.

Pat Deere


Buffalo, Babies, the Bay and McDonald's Mocha...

365 Days Of My Life As A Studio Artist: Day ?

Day 7? Donations: $

Donations Running Total: $

Today's Growth Idea:   Getting inspiration from noticing the everyday things around me.  Today I was driving home from a wonderful long week-end in Charelvoix, MI (thus the reason for my lack of updates to this blog).  My niece got married at Castle Farms... a beautiful building on beautiful grounds in a beautiful city. 

People often ask where I get my inspiration for my artwork.  Honestly, it comes from noticing the little things that other people might otherwise ignore.  Watching my cousins children interact was inspiring.  Looking at all of the familiar things on my drive home from Traverse City - like the buffalo farm, the cherry tree farms, and my gradma's street.  Taking the time to rollerblade along Grand Traverse Bay and stopping by to notice things like this wonderful view of the rocks through the water.  Driving slow enough to be aware of my surroundings and breath it all in. These things inspire me.  Drinking a mocha along the way.

Then, when I get back to working in my studio... the work becomes much easier.  Ideas come more freely.  And it is more like fun than like work.  Now it is time to plan for my trip to France.  This is a trip I have been waiting for, for a very long time.  Just thinking about all that I will see is almost overwhelming.   My son will be studying near Lourdes... a definite stop on my list of things to do.  Being able to see him while there is a bonus! 

More about that later.

Pat Deere

Castle Farms, Charlevoix, MI


Creating, packaging, marketing! Day 76

365 Days Of My Life As A Studio Artist: Day 76

Day 75 Donations: $

Donations Running Total: $160.94

Today's Growth Idea:  Today the plan is to come up with a creative way to package and market my wine glass.  I have been making these for a while, perfecting my techniques, my adhesives, and my ideas.  Brandi is my employee who was a previous Vo-Tech student in graphic arts.  She is now attending college and I have given her the task of coming up with a way to package and market these glasses.  Their intent was to have a variety of colors and sizes so people could purchase them, use them for parties, and their guests would know what glass was theirs... not have to figure it out by what color the lipstick on the rim is.    She is coming up with some good ideas.  I'll keep you posted. 

My History:   Going back a bit... I got sidetracked.  I found the building of my dreams, the price was right, and the owner was a wonderful person to work with.  I wanted to keep my costs down, have a storefront, have a front and back entrance to my studio, and have a place for a large sign.  So, this was it.  I contacted the realtor and put in an offer.  Because I wanted to deal with the terms of the land contract, I offered him a little more than the asking price.  He accepted and we were both thrilled.

Today's Business:  I am working on creating a wedding box for a customer out of her childs wedding invitation, another customer is coming in for a private lesson with her daughter, while they are here I will be finishing the work on a custom designed lamp shade.  And, at some point I have to get my taxes to my accountant.

Today's Photo:  Wine glass with lamp worked flowers in a variety of colors and styles.

Featured Glass:  These wine glasses can be found at future shows, in my studio, and on my web site for sale.  Because they are in the "trial stage", they are very inexpensive right now.  Check them out!

Pat Deere

LINKS:   Pictures In Glass, wine glasses for sale.


Visit a stimulating place... like Eastern Market in Detroit

 365 Days Of My Life As A Studio Artist: Day ?
Day ? Donations: $

Donations Running Total: ?

Today's Growth Idea:  Visiting a stimulating place can do wonders.  Eastern Market in Detroit appeals to the senses in many ways.  The first thing that strikes you as you approach is the visual appeal.  The market is surrounded by many old warehouse type buildings.  The sheds that the produce is sold in are newly constructed.  Many of the buildings have beautifully painted murals on the walls.  The culture is diverse.  As you approach you can smell the food.  Often, you can smell food cooking by vendors outside.  Musicians play on the streets.  As you walk across the bridge to the meat house vendors are set up selling their products.  It never fails to amaze and excite me to go to the market.

Today's Business:  I am looking into becoming a memeber of the American Glass Guild. They will be sponsoring a conference in Detroit this July!  A great opportunity for the city of Detroit and those of us who live in or nearby.  My hope is to become a member and volunteer to help out with this event.  I can't wait.  Volunteering will give me the opportunity to meet glass artists of all levels from all over.  It's always a burst of energy to attend something of this magnitude.  Hope you check it out!

Today's Photo:  Eastern Market from the web page with a link below.

Pat Deere

Eastern Market, Detroit, MI
American Glass Guild

My History:



365 Days Of My Life As A Studio Artist: Day ?

Day ? Donations: $

Donations Running Total: ?

Today's Growth Idea:   Diversify.

My History:  Along the lines of diversification... when I was new in business I felt like I was doing too much of this for the manpower, experience, available funds, etc. available to me.  I felt like I needed to go in all different directions to get whatever busines I could wherever I could get it.  I gave classes, sold supplies, contacted churches, advertised in the newspapers, radio, and other venues.  Because I was fairly new,  I was testing the waters of everything and made too many decisions on the spur of the moment instead of thinking them through as much as I feel I should have.
Today's Business:  Thinking more about this diversification thing.  I have been researching more about it.  I started thinking about diversifying because that was the common thread at the meeting I attended yesterday for the board I sit on for the Graphic Arts Program at the Vocational Technical School in Lenawee County.  Business owners in the field talked about having to diversify what they offer in order to fill the gaps of lost business.  Past students of the program talked about how the diversity of the projects they worked on while at Vo-Tech really helped them at the college level.  And, past students who are now in the working world confirmed that being open to and knowledgeable of many different techniques and programs is helping them when working or looking for new jobs.  For so long I felt I needed to focus on certain aspects of my business instead of being so diverse... and now the economy is causing me to rethink this idea.
Another common thought among the business owners and teaching staff of local universities and Vo-Tech was the fact that techniques may change, advancements will always happen, the tools we use are forevery changing, but the creativity we have and the passion we put into our businesses, art, and life are not the kinds of things that can be taught.  They are in each of us and have to be nurtured every day or none of the education, attempts at diversifying or not diversifying, will do us much good.
So, my bottom line is that I will continue to work in the direction I have been working in.  I truly enjoy working on public art projects, residential stained glass and giving classes.  I will continue these things but, I will also think about how I can do them better, maybe in a more creative way.  And, working shows... this is someplace I feel I can really diversify what I have been selling.  More on this later....
Today's Photo:  Miniature Stained Glass Windows - originally created for my miniature house.  I have had people buy them for Christmas Ornaments, necklaces, and suncatchers.  This is a good example of the diversity of use of an item that I had an art show promoter suggest I try when doing shows.


My serentiy comes from...

365 Days Of My Life As A Studio Artist: Day ?

Day ? Donations: $

Donations Running Total: ?

Today's Growth Idea: Getting back to my routine:  My days are most serene when I wake up with prayer and meditation and go to bed with a heart full of gratitude.

My History:  Wow!  My last post was about a past employee named Flo.  Today, I find myself without an office assistant... again.  She had an opportunity for another job she couldn't pass up.  It threw me for a loop for a little while but we are working through it and will be better for it.  The good things... we have come up with an office procedures manual that is proving invaluable... it's a work in progress.  Now, back to refiguring what I should do myself and what we should pay to have done.  A for sure is:  I need to have a competent person paying bills, payroll and taxes.  This is not my line of work and costs me if I try to do it myself.  We've got that covered. 

Today's Business:  Along with answering phones, sorting mail, answering emails, creating designs and quotes... I will be back working on my Flint Women's window.  More photos of it to come.  The picture here shows my sketch for the painted part of the window that will have representations of the women's organizations that were instrumental in moving women's rights forward.  I also need to go back and find out what day I am supposed to be on in this "365 Days" blog.  I get a little side tracked when I don't have internet for a while.  During my last show in Pontiac, I had no internet... which meant I couldn't start out with my normal routine... including prayer and meditation... including updatding my blog... etc... etc... etc...  Doesn't take much to get me off track sometimes.  But today, I am starting back again!

Today's Photo:  Pat Deere sketching a design to be painted on glass and incorporated into a stained glass window.

Pat Deere