Day 159 Growth Idea: Striving for that balance again... mixing kayaking and biking into my glass cutting, phone calling and computer working is not just a luxury for me, it really is a necessity. Without that exercise in my life, my brain gets overloaded and my work load can feel overwhelming. So, yesterday morning while I was kayaking down the river in Tecumseh, I let my kayak float to shore. I was very quiet. The closer I got to shore the more noise my boat made as it floated over the lily pads on top of the water. Before I knew it a doe popped up its head, stood up to look at me, and ran away. That kind of stuff makes the rest of the day much better.
Day 158 Donations: Think I have a place for the mosaic monopoly table I made for a fund raiser that never happened.
Donations Running Total: $228.207
My History: So, we call in the building inspector and with a few minor changes the building was approved for business. I felt like I could have used more finished pieces for the front of my studio, but my glass supply was pretty good. I tried to keep a piece of all of the most popular brands of glass at the time in stock, and a lot of what I liked to work with. Without a large selection of glass to choose from, it is difficult to effectively design a window.
Today's Business: Where does the time fly? Business during these times is pretty hectic. Too much work for the employees we have but not enough to hire more help. So, among cutting glass, designing new projects, and bidding new jobs... it's answering phones, working out computer problems, paying bills, and trying to collect money. The past few days have found me meeting with Pamela Shapiro on the Immigration Window. Since she actually designed the window, her imput was important to me. As usual, it was easy for us to communicate how the finished piece should look so that part of the week went very well. Today, however, the phone was ringing off the wall making it impossible to cut any glass until around 4:30. So, I am enjoying my time alone in the studio right now.
Today's Photo Above: My most recent wedding invitation framed for a wedding gift. This one had a very plain invitation, so we took the shower invitation and incorporated it. I have more samples on my web site.
Today's Product: This wooden mirror frame was normally $15 and is on sale in my "Garage Sale" for only $7.50 . It was in my shop during my studio fire years back so the packaging is funky but the frame is in great shape. Lots of great deals on that page.
Pat Deere
LINKS: Garage Sale Items - Wooden Mirror Frame
Cabitzing with other artists can be an invaluable way to spend a lazy Sunday afternoon.
Day 158 Growth Idea: Cabitzing with others artists can be an invaluable way to spend a lazy Sunday afternoon.
Day 157 Donations:
Donations Running Total: $228.207
My History: Part of the difficulty of my new building was it's age and trying to meet the requirements of the American Disabilities Association without going broke in the process. I had 2.5 floors. The top floors had not been used in years. Because I was using the building for the same use, retail, that the previous owner had used... I had some things grandfathered in. I did have to be sure the bathroom was handicap accessible, the doors and hallways were wide enough, the rams were not to steep, etc. The first floor I could handle. But the regulations made the 2nd and 3rd floor too much for me at the time.
Today's Business: It's Sunday... so I can't call it business. But I did get the opportunity to visit with a group of wonderful women, artists, and now friends. Seeing what inspires other people is a real inpiration to me. Tonight... catching up on paperwork. Tomorrow... moving right ahead with cutting glass for my Immigration window, designed by Pamela Shapiro and fabricated in my studio.
Today's Photo Above: I posted this picture again because it was a combined effort with artist, Pamela Shapiro. Although we did not know each other at the time the project began, she became a wonderful friend and artist I have worked with on other projects since. I find collaborating with other artists something I really enjoy. I think that successful combined effort really shows here.
Today's Product:
In The Arms Of God came about while I was studying the Holy Spirit and how it moves in my life. It often comes very quietly and if I don't pay attention, I will miss it. It comes during prayer, when I'm in the car, when I'm by myself, when I can hear the silence...
Pat Deere
~In The Arms Of God can be found on my web site.
Day 157 Donations:
Donations Running Total: $228.207
My History: Part of the difficulty of my new building was it's age and trying to meet the requirements of the American Disabilities Association without going broke in the process. I had 2.5 floors. The top floors had not been used in years. Because I was using the building for the same use, retail, that the previous owner had used... I had some things grandfathered in. I did have to be sure the bathroom was handicap accessible, the doors and hallways were wide enough, the rams were not to steep, etc. The first floor I could handle. But the regulations made the 2nd and 3rd floor too much for me at the time.
Today's Business: It's Sunday... so I can't call it business. But I did get the opportunity to visit with a group of wonderful women, artists, and now friends. Seeing what inspires other people is a real inpiration to me. Tonight... catching up on paperwork. Tomorrow... moving right ahead with cutting glass for my Immigration window, designed by Pamela Shapiro and fabricated in my studio.
Today's Photo Above: I posted this picture again because it was a combined effort with artist, Pamela Shapiro. Although we did not know each other at the time the project began, she became a wonderful friend and artist I have worked with on other projects since. I find collaborating with other artists something I really enjoy. I think that successful combined effort really shows here.
Today's Product:
In The Arms Of God came about while I was studying the Holy Spirit and how it moves in my life. It often comes very quietly and if I don't pay attention, I will miss it. It comes during prayer, when I'm in the car, when I'm by myself, when I can hear the silence...
Pat Deere
~In The Arms Of God can be found on my web site.
Art For Arts Sake
Day 156 Growth Idea: Sometimes it is fun just to make art for arts sake and not for any other reason. Not for money. Not for somebody else's expectations. Not for obligations. It is good for the soul.
Day 155 Donations:
Donations Running Total: $228.207
My History: Kind of a funny story that could have turned out not-so-good, but it didn't. During the process of renovating my new studio my boys often came with me. Once in a while they would bring somebody else. On one of the days their cousin Blake came with them they discovered a way to cross over the staircase onto the second floor. Blake was crossing and didn't quite make it. He fell from the 2nd floor ceiling onto the 1st floor floor - on his butt. After looking stunned for a bit and realizing he wasn't hurt, he just started laughing. We closed off that section real quick!
Today's Business: A real productive day. Finished my Devils Lake Underwater crushed glass piece. My camera is still in for repair so I will have to post pictures later. My 4.5'x14' pattern is ready for cutting my next Flint MTA window - Immigration. And... I visted the new LCVA Art Gallery at the Croswell Opera House for the first time since they merged. What a great space and great show today. If you haven't visited it yet, you have to check it out. The link is below.
Today's Photo Above: Making art for arts sake reminds me of the fun little project shown in the picture. The LCVA used to have a "Box Show" where artists would make "box-like" artwork and bring it to the gallery to be auctioned off. My box was created by saw cutting various bottles and arranging them into a design. I called this, "Patron of the Arts", and it was intended to be a pencil holder. The red glass rod is a pencil made from lampworked glass rods. I kind of liked this piece.
Today's Product:
On my web site I have a whole section devoted to "Garage Sale" type items. This is a Kaleidoscope kit that normally ran $13.90. It went through my shop fire so the packaging is old looking. But, the kit inside is new. It sells on my site for $5.00 now. You might want to check out the bargains. The link is below.
Pat Deere
~Croswell Opera House/LCVA Gallery
~Pictures In Glass "Garage Sale"
Day 155 Donations:
Donations Running Total: $228.207
My History: Kind of a funny story that could have turned out not-so-good, but it didn't. During the process of renovating my new studio my boys often came with me. Once in a while they would bring somebody else. On one of the days their cousin Blake came with them they discovered a way to cross over the staircase onto the second floor. Blake was crossing and didn't quite make it. He fell from the 2nd floor ceiling onto the 1st floor floor - on his butt. After looking stunned for a bit and realizing he wasn't hurt, he just started laughing. We closed off that section real quick!
Today's Business: A real productive day. Finished my Devils Lake Underwater crushed glass piece. My camera is still in for repair so I will have to post pictures later. My 4.5'x14' pattern is ready for cutting my next Flint MTA window - Immigration. And... I visted the new LCVA Art Gallery at the Croswell Opera House for the first time since they merged. What a great space and great show today. If you haven't visited it yet, you have to check it out. The link is below.
Today's Photo Above: Making art for arts sake reminds me of the fun little project shown in the picture. The LCVA used to have a "Box Show" where artists would make "box-like" artwork and bring it to the gallery to be auctioned off. My box was created by saw cutting various bottles and arranging them into a design. I called this, "Patron of the Arts", and it was intended to be a pencil holder. The red glass rod is a pencil made from lampworked glass rods. I kind of liked this piece.
Today's Product:
On my web site I have a whole section devoted to "Garage Sale" type items. This is a Kaleidoscope kit that normally ran $13.90. It went through my shop fire so the packaging is old looking. But, the kit inside is new. It sells on my site for $5.00 now. You might want to check out the bargains. The link is below.
Pat Deere
~Croswell Opera House/LCVA Gallery
~Pictures In Glass "Garage Sale"
Day 155: Knowing my limitations can be a help or a hinderance...
Wow. It's been a long time here...
Day 155 Growth Idea: Knowing my limitations can be a help or a hinderance. I can remember working with a group of people one time about how all of our characteristics can be helpful or hurtful, depending on how we use them. More about this down under "Today's Business".
Day 154 Donations:
Donations Running Total: $228.207
My History: Back to my new studio renovations. Moving day was fun... just ask anybody who helped me. Moving glass for most people is pretty intimidating. It is fairly heavy. Breakable. Not easily packaged. And I was only moving a block and a half away. So we pretty much moved everything piece by piece on dolly's from my old studio into my new studio. Thank God for friends and family. Wish we would have taken pictures because it was a pretty interesting move.
Today's Business: Sometimes I don't know when to call it quits, what jobs I should accept, and which ones I should let go. Sometimes that is good. I expand my knowledge, learn my limitations, and realize what I am good at and what I should let others do. On the other hand, sometimes it gets me into frustrating situations that are difficult for me and not good for those I am trying to help. Today's project was to replicate the sandblasted design for a front door from an historic Tecumseh home. I have the knowledge, equipment, and supplies needed... but not for a window of the size needed by my customer. I thought I could do it. The design turned out great, as you can see from the photo. The problem is where I had to mesh the masking material together. It was just unacceptable to me. Still not giving up though. Tomorrow I will call my supplier to see if they can recommend somebody who can take the design I already computerized and transfer it onto a mask the size of the glass so there will be no seams. My supplier of my sandblasting material is another resource for me to see if I can get what my customer needs. The good thing is ... maybe I can still help him. The bad thing is, I surely won't make money on this but I have learned my limitations, and possibly will learn how to handle a project like this next time around. Right?!?
Today's Photo Above: The end result of my efforts to recreate the design given to me by a customer whose sidelights broke. The design was recreated via American Bevel Designer, transferred onto photo sensitive film, transferred to glass, then sandblasted.
Today's Product:

Parrot Accent Lamp: Mission Style Stained Glass Panel. This link will take you to my web site page where you will find more info about this lamp, and others like it.
Pat Deere
~Parrot Accent Lamp
Day 155 Growth Idea: Knowing my limitations can be a help or a hinderance. I can remember working with a group of people one time about how all of our characteristics can be helpful or hurtful, depending on how we use them. More about this down under "Today's Business".
Day 154 Donations:
Donations Running Total: $228.207
My History: Back to my new studio renovations. Moving day was fun... just ask anybody who helped me. Moving glass for most people is pretty intimidating. It is fairly heavy. Breakable. Not easily packaged. And I was only moving a block and a half away. So we pretty much moved everything piece by piece on dolly's from my old studio into my new studio. Thank God for friends and family. Wish we would have taken pictures because it was a pretty interesting move.
Today's Business: Sometimes I don't know when to call it quits, what jobs I should accept, and which ones I should let go. Sometimes that is good. I expand my knowledge, learn my limitations, and realize what I am good at and what I should let others do. On the other hand, sometimes it gets me into frustrating situations that are difficult for me and not good for those I am trying to help. Today's project was to replicate the sandblasted design for a front door from an historic Tecumseh home. I have the knowledge, equipment, and supplies needed... but not for a window of the size needed by my customer. I thought I could do it. The design turned out great, as you can see from the photo. The problem is where I had to mesh the masking material together. It was just unacceptable to me. Still not giving up though. Tomorrow I will call my supplier to see if they can recommend somebody who can take the design I already computerized and transfer it onto a mask the size of the glass so there will be no seams. My supplier of my sandblasting material is another resource for me to see if I can get what my customer needs. The good thing is ... maybe I can still help him. The bad thing is, I surely won't make money on this but I have learned my limitations, and possibly will learn how to handle a project like this next time around. Right?!?
Today's Photo Above: The end result of my efforts to recreate the design given to me by a customer whose sidelights broke. The design was recreated via American Bevel Designer, transferred onto photo sensitive film, transferred to glass, then sandblasted.
Today's Product:

Parrot Accent Lamp: Mission Style Stained Glass Panel. This link will take you to my web site page where you will find more info about this lamp, and others like it.
Pat Deere
~Parrot Accent Lamp
Day 132: SCORE Online
Day 131 Donations: Donated sandblasted wine glass to the Lions Club of Clinton... they do good work. Check out their site.
Donations Running Total: $189.6622
My History: So, at this point in the new studio renovation I am almost done. I have got my carpet pulled up, my walls painted, my wood floors for my work are refinished, and carpet in the front. I chose carpet squares and they looked great. Using 3 different patterns and colors allowed for a very custom design that could be easily fixed if one got damaged, for a fraction of the cost of traditional carpet. I put the carpet down myself, which also saved on labor.
Today's Business: I will be doing a lot of getting ready for my show in Toledo this week-end. Brandi has been fusing glass for money clips, zipper pulls, and necklaces so we will have some lower end items to sell. I have been making some nightlight, jewelry holders and will be finishing them up today. We have some last minute work to do on the Women's windows so they will be ready for delivery next week. And, hopefully my Spectrum 96 glass will be delivered today so I can finish crushing the glass I need for a commissioned piece. OK... I typed this a couple of days ago. Today I am actually loading up for The Old West End Festival set-up this afternoon.
Today's Photo:
New Nightlights - These are kind of cool and much better than the picture shows. They are about 8" and 2.5" deep, lit with a night light, have a space for rings/keys/and such in the top mirrored lip, and many are painted with quotes and designs. Some have beautiful glass that speaks for itself. I'll have these in Toledo and on my web site later.
Today's Product: Mission Style Stained Glass Panel. This link will take you to my web site page where you will find more info about this window.
Pat Deere
~SCORE - Counselors To America's Small Business
~Saturday and Sunday I will be at Toledo's Old West End Festival by the Glass Museum at Toledo's Museum of Art
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