Ok. I am kind of excited about this panel. One of my favorite things to do, when there is no ice on the water, is to kayak. I got started years ago when we went white water rafting with a group of about 50 people (I think). On that trip I did not kayak but we went white water rafting on the Gauley and all around us people were kayaking and it looked like so much fun.
Their boats were short and meant for doing tricks and rapids and what not. Mine is a 14' boat meant for rivers and open water. Last year I rented my kayak from the Tecumseh Community Center. I got hooked. For about $20 I could use it Friday, Saturday, Sunday, and again on Monday before they opened. The photo I created this piece from was from a picture I took on my last trip in the Fall of 2010.
The top picture shows what my layered glass looked like just prior to firing. The picture below here shows the process close to the beginning. You can see the frame I use to keep the glass in place while layering. I have been using a clear layer of large glass and very small powdered glass to make it solid. From there, I layer colors and clear to get the effect I want. I love these pieces because they have a lot of dimension and you can see the layers of colors when looking at it closely.

The next set of pictures is my Mt. LeConte piece after firing. The first one was taken while back lit and the 2nd one was taken with lighting from my room, sun, and flash. I think I like the picture that is not back lit best for this panel. So, I believe I am going to try a wall mounting system for this piece with light shining on it.
Because I was so focused on creating these pieces, the glass I had in my other kiln got way over fired. They were some of the glass pieces I needed for the Flint , Hispanic American window I am currently working on. Luckily it doesn't take time to recut or paint what I ruined.
Pat Deere