It is amazing to me the passion Einstein had for his work. And, although I am very passionate about my work in glass, I cannot compare to how driven he was.
This makes me think about some of the issues I have had as a mother, wife, business owner, artist, and a person living in society. In this book, I read about the months on end that Einstein would spend away from his home and family in search of the thoughts that he was compelled to investigate and solve. Over the years I have been jealous, at times, of other artists who were free to spend hours on end creating what was to be their next work of art, investigating other options through workshops and seminars, or travelling to inspirational places.
Once, when I was feeling "less than" because my life situation at the time with three young boys under the age of 5 kept me from volunteering in a position I thought I would really enjoy, I discussed my feelings with a friend. I felt like I should be contributing my time by teaching young children at our church. My friend, who very much understood the feelings I was having, explained that my job at that point in time was my children and my family. They are where my focus needed to be.
I am so glad I listened to her. I have since had the opportunity to teach middle school students and found it to be very inspiring. They have wonderful ideas and are still unashamed to tell you about them. Through my children I have been inspired by their unending need to push for what they feel they need to do and accomplish in their own lives - although I would be lying if I said it wasn't extremely exhausting for my husband and I at times. They are all wonderful people. Very different but all inspirational to me. My oldest, Matthew is pursuing his dream of becoming doctor. He recently accepted a research opportunity at Lake Superior State. He talks about things that are beyond my ability to understand (although he is 30 years younger than me). My middle child, Travis, has chosen a different path with his education. His focus revolves around his talents as a skateboarder and he is getting ready for his first trip to California where skating can happen every day - unlike here in Michigan with our unpredictable weather. He pushes for his dream in a way that I can totally relate to. And my youngest son, Casey, is still in high school. He has a determination that serves him well in many areas of his life and will certainly help him when he chooses his career path.
Needless to say, my art is inspired not in the same way as Einstein was inspired by his scientific thoughts, but, it is inspired by my own life experiences and that's what makes it truly unique. I can't get enough time to read all of the biographies I would like to read. No matter how different another person is than I am, there is always something I learn from them... and eventually that is reflected in the art I produce and the person I become.
For all of this, I am thankful!
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