I got an email asking me to help find people interested in donating a chair for the Chair-ity event described below. This photo was actually from the FaceBook page for the Meadowview Elementary auction. It's a fun event and I have purchased chairs in the past. The "Cherry" chair is in my office right now.
Call for Art....”Chair-ity” event for Boys and Girls Club.
The Art-A-Licious Festival is looking for artists to construct, decorate, embellish, weld, paint, paste, or fabricate a chair however you please out of new, or old materials. The sky is the limit. Your donated chair will auctioned off to support the Boys and Girls Club Art Foundation.
A “Chair”ity silent auction has been planned to run in conjunction with the 2009 Art-ALicious Festival. Dozens of artistically constructed or altered chairs will be shown at the two day festival. The chair art will be on display the week before the event at participating business locations. Each participating business will host a silent auction in which anyone can bid on the chair art. Winning bidders will be announced Saturday night at the conclusion of the festival. The proceeds from auction sales will be donated to establish an art foundation for the Boys and Girls Club of Lenawee.
For more information about where to pick up existing chairs or for drop off details please contact... Pi Benio pbenio@adrian.edu
Art-A-Licious: http://www.artalicious.org/
Meadowview Elementary Chair-ity Auction: http://www.facebook.com/photo.php?pid=1500074&id=68655829456&ref=mf
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