
Crushed Glass Kitchen Cabinet for Epiphany Kitchens

Today's Business: Really - I am just trying to keep the people who are filling in for me informed of what to do while I am gone.  Even though I have an office procedures manual, feel like I have covered my bases with the bank - employees - and customers, being gone for three weeks is a long time and I feel like I am leaving something out.

Today's Photo: When Epiphany Kitchens from Northville called about working on some cabinet doors for their display I knew what I wanted to do for them.  Shown here is one of two doors completed for them.  The other has the same design, but a less expensive version with the central piece being clear textured glass.  They will be having an open house for their customers, designers and builders while I am in Europe so I am thankful I was able to get it to them before that event.  Their showroom is very nice and has a lot to offer.  I put a link to their web site below that you may want to check out.

Pat Deere

Epiphany Kitchens
107 N. Center St.
Northville, MI 48167

1 comment:

  1. Hi,

    The blog is really nice and add my knowledge on kitchen cabinets. Keep on posting more of these.

    Daphne Mills (custom closet organizers)
