As I paddled along, the sun started to come up. Not a great sunrise because it was pretty cloudy on the east side. But, as you can see from this picture, the color was absolutely beautiful. A couple of weeks ago it was even more brilliant but we are getting to the end of the color season. Still quiet except for the fish flopping and geese taking off of the water.
Now to the best part. I am using my camera phone so the pictures are not great but this is still worth posting. I have been lucky enough to see a lot of deer while I am on the water. It is easy for me to be quite and get really close to them. If you look just to the right of center, left of the two skinny tree trunks, and above the shoreline is one of the six deer I was following this morning. Two of them came from the top of the hill, down by the water, and back up the other side as I sat in the kayak. So cool!
On my way back I always pass this beautiful red bush. You can see from the leaves in the water, it gets pretty soupy sometimes. Great morning. Now back to the studio for a busy day of repairing stained glass, removing some church windows from their frames for repairwork, and catching up from the week-end.
Pat Deere
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