
Calling all fusers and glass painters...

Exciting news today!  I made the mistake of leaving my glass in the kiln too long, with too little kiln wash and voila!  My glass was stuck to the shelf.  Thought I was going to lose the glass and the shelf but I did get it to release.

Once released, I found what I thought I would find, which was kiln wash stuck to the back of my glass.  With a little bit of research we found one person who suggested letting it soak in vinegar for a few hours before trying to wash it off.  I would thank that person if I would have kept track of who made the suggestion!

So I am thinking... I've tried a lot of things but it's worth a couple of hours wait time to see if it really works.  And, it did!  I still had to spend some time washing, lightly scrubbing, and rinsing until I got it all off but it was worth the effort.

This was a piece of glass that I really didn't want to spend more money or time on than I had to.  Give it a try if you are in the same position and let me know how it works for you.  Or, if you have another suggestion, I would be glad to post it!

Pat Deere

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