
Detroit Monopoly - You won't find another one like it!

The story behind this is kind of interesting.  I was contacted by a suburban Detroit city to create a piece of art from a steel door at a KMart store that had closed.  Cool!  I can do that.

So, I went to work and had my son Travis grind off all the old paint, I welded it into the shape of a table, and my son Matthew helped with the making of the money and the mosaic top.

When I called to deliver the door, I was told by the representative of the event, "Sorry.  We changed our minds on this project for the time being."

I am thinking, "Do you realize how much time we have invested in this project?".  But, it didn't matter much to the person on the other end of the phone.  In fact, I think she was a little overwhelmed herself.  So, since 2009 I have had this beautiful mosaic table in my studio covered up to keep it from getting ruined.

The properties are all Detroit:  GM, Ford, Chrysler, The People Mover, Renaissance Center, Hudsons... The property buildings are glass gems/glass globs.  And the money was all custom made as well.   Guaranteed to be one of a kind.

Right now it is in my sale.  But, rumor has it, a local Detroit reality show may be interested in selling it in their shop!  Time will tell.  It was nice to uncover it and see once again what it looked like!

Pat Deere

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