
Residual Income With Art?

I have recently added another aspect of my business, which I have talked about before but would like to repeat.

Sometimes people complain about the economy causing problems for them, and they may be real complaints.  I believe we always have a choice to make changes and that is what I have done.

What you see here is a photo of a greeting card I created using my glasswork as the cover art.  What is unique about this card is, it also comes with an opportunity to create residual income.  Not lineal income, but residual income.  That is not something that was available to me in the past.

Traditionally in the art world, once you create a piece of art, you get paid, end of story.  With residual income, I can get paid continuously for the efforts I put in the previous day.  If you are a Robert Kyosaki fan, and have read, "Rich Dad, Poor Dad" you will know what I am talking about.

If you are an artist, and you create cards, calendars, or other products using your art, I would love to share with you how I am able to do this.  I still love my glass art, but I also love sharing this idea with fellow artists.  Whenever we can help each other... that is a good day.

Pat Deere

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