This book appears to be geared towards the serious artist, more in the high-end category than in the craft type category. In fact, the cover reads, "The Complete Guide to Fine Art & Craft Events Nationwide". But, what a wealth of information. It rates the shows from 1-10 which indicates the average sales for artists at that show. It tells you about the marketing company and how they operate and treat the artists. Descriptions of setting up and tearing down, what the best place for your booth is, what percentage of artists come back, what your return on investment should be at that show, and on and on.
To try it out, go to this website and get a free trial. You will be able to see for yourself how much information is available to you there. http://artfairsourcebook.com/cgibin/ctool/ctool.pl?command=searchform
Let me know if you get a chance to visit the site and what you think.
If you have already ordered this sourcebook, let me know how it has worked for you. Other people would be interested in your experience as well.
Happy searching!
Pat Deere
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