The collection of artists work was very nice. My favorite of the show was work created by Sea of Glass Studio in Manchester, MI. One of their necklaces is shown here. Pictures never do glass justice and I can tell you seeing them in person is a real treat. I could not leave without purchasing a necklace from them with a leaf similar to the one shown here. Take the time to visit their web site. You will not be dissapointed. http://www.seaofglassstudio.com/pages/photo.galleries/gallery.html . On top of being wonderful artists, Trudi and Eric Cooper gave of their time and knowledge very willingly. I always appreciate an artist who is willing to help another along their path!
Now, the music. If you have never attended this event, I urge you to put it on your calendar for next year. It is hard for me to pick a favorite because I truly enjoyed every musician I heard throughout the day. My booth faced the main stage... what a treat! I purchased CD's from two of the bands. One of them was from a singer with a voice I am very jealous of. Her web site is: http://viennateng.com/streetteam/ . The other was from a family of musicians with a collection of instruments unlike anything I have heard before. The bands name is MacTalla Mor and their web site is: http://www.mactalla.com/about.html . When they said they were going to play Free Bird unlike anything we had ever heard before, they were absolutely right. Free Bird with bag pipes? I know it sounds wierd but everybody truly enjoyed every song they played.
I could go on and on. It was a great day. Don't miss it next year!
Pat Deere
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