Date: 1/14/2009 Album ID: 671047
Photos by Linda Campbell
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Once a month members from Hope Community Center go to Lenawee Council for the Visual Arts (LCVA) to create a project in various mediums. On Tuesday several members with the help of LCVA volunteers Janet Graham, Pat Cooper, and Pi Benio made clay bowls using a process called coil forming. The bowls are made by pressing coils of clay onto a form. The bowls are then painted with slip which is watered down clay with colors. Then designs are etched into the slip using pencils. The bowls will than be fire bisqued, a clear glaze will be applied, and then the bowls will be fired again using high fire gas reduction. LCVA will have an exhibition of Hope Community Center members? art June 18 through July 18.
This article was taken directly from the Daily Telegram web site that you can connect to by clicking: http://lenconnect.mycapture.com/mycapture/folder.asp?event=671047&CategoryID=16145&ListSubAlbums=0 . It really is worth taking the time to take a look at. Our local gallery has volunteers who offer their time and talents to this group of adults on a regular basis. You have seen Tara, my mannequin several times in this blog. She had the opportunity to be worked on by some of the Hope Center adults and we had a great time doing it together.
Volunteering my time has always been something I enjoy. And when you work with people like this who appreciate your time and talents, it makes it all worth while. If you have artistic talents you would like to share, or you have time and don't feel you have the talent, the LCVA is always looking for willing participants. Feel free to check out their blog: http://lcvamembers.blogspot.com/ and contact them for information.