Saturday 1/17/09 9am-3pm
I have accumulated, over the years, a fairly large supply of tools and equipment. Some of it is new and some used. It is taking up much needed space in my studio and I would like it to be put to good use. Therefore, I am selling - at a very good price - a lot of old glass (which never goes old), and tools. What is left after the sale may be purchased during regular hours. Email Pat at for after the sale details. Some of what I have includes: Inland DB100 Band Saw (used), Lamp Bases (used and new), Beveling Kit for Inland Grinder (New), Bevel Clusters (New), Glass 20-50% Off (Some exceptions).
Lead Free Solder Give Away ($30+ value - Details In Store)
GLASS GIVE AWAY - Same day & time
Yes, that is right. I am giving away my scrap glass. Most of this is glass that is left over from custom projects I have completed over the years. The scrap, for the most part, will be boxes of pieces that are less than 1/2 square foot. We have them sorted by color and because I am giving it away for free... I only ask that if you take the scrap, please take the whole box. Taking a piece or two out of different boxes is ok, but we will charge 50cents a pound for the inconvenience. This glass is good for mosaic work and small projects - or larger panels that are made up of a lot of colorful pieces. I have a lot of it ... bring a box to transfer it into if you have one.
I often have free glass available to schools, 4-H Groups, etc. If you have a need for your organization, contact Pat for more information.
CLASSES: Visit my web page to find more information about my next free classes scheduled in January.
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