This is a wonderful web link to Maya Angelou's new book, Letter To My Daughter. For those of you who know me, I love to hear her talk and read her books. On the web link above is a link to her UTube introduction the the book posted here. I have read it, and when I do, I can hear her voice reading to me. It is a wonderful experience. For those of you who would like to hear a beautiful woman give her outlook on life, her experiences, and the gift of her unforgettable voice, click on the link... read the book... let me know what you think.
A couple of years back I got tickets to see Maya with a friend in Detroit. They were upper balcony seats worth about $20. The usher said, "Your seats are broken, can I offer you another?". We followed her down, down, down, down, all the way to the 2nd row on the main floor right in the center. It was an experience I will never forget. I am anxious to hear your responses. I do have an extra book. If you are in the vacinity of my Tecumseh, MI studio, I would gladly lend it to you!
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