
My CyberMonday Newsletter is Going Out!

CyberMonday - What is it?

I don't know about for everybody else but for me it is the day I offer deep discounts on a lot of items.  What you see here is the first page.  The whole newletter is on my web site.  But,  your best bet is to be added to my mailing list so you can get the whole thing first hand with links that work, more legible writing, etc.

Hope what I am offering can help make your Christmas shopping a little bit easier this year.

Although my greatest discounts are on Monday, I am offering discounted items through the whole month of December.


Pat Deere

1 comment:

  1. I have never even heard of "cyber monday" until this year, I feel really out of the loop. I hope it brought you a lot of business, i love some of your designs
