
What an artist goes through to finish a project...

Finally, I have the privilege of posting pictures of one of the finished windows that I have been working on for the Michigan Transportation Authority in Flint.  As a project that spanned  2007-2011, there were definite challenges along the way.  Most of them revolving around increased costs due to the length of time it took to get it completed.  Without going into all of the details, my lead costs alone increased 40% from the time this project started.

I think sometimes it is important to share what an artist goes through on their end so I'll take a little time to do that.  This gets a little lengthy, but there are artists that may be interested in the process and clients who may be interested in it as well.  So,  I'll be posting bits and pieces of the process as I post more finished photos.

In 2007, I was invited to submit drawings for a stained glass window with the design based on Civil Rights.  Immediately, I knew what design that would be.  I had met an amazing person whom I saw read her poem, "Self Portrait", while performing with The Long Hairz Collective at the Crazy Wisdom Book Store in Ann Arbor and have always wanted to create a stained glass piece based on that poem.  So, after getting permission to use her poem in conjunction with this project I created and submitted my design.  Upon getting the requested design, the committee decided that most of them were coming in with an African American theme, and although they wanted that as one of the themes, there are many other people who have been protected by civil rights laws that needed to be represented.

So, they combined efforts with another organization to help them decide what groups of people should be included in this project and what details need to be included.  Right away, the project totally changed.  It changed for me because our ideas are now being dictated by a committee.

I encourage you to listen to the reading of the poem I was referring to and have the link listed below.  More to come...

Pat Deere

Self Portrait Is On This CD: Long Hairz Collective, Dreadlocks and Ponytails

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