Day 3 Donations: $Will find out when I get back to the studio tomorrow or Sunday
Donations Running Total: $.03932
Day 4 Growth Idea: Better Promotion of Upcoming Events
Over the years I have participated in a variety of shows and events to sell my work and promote my business. In the past, I often would sign up at the last minute either out of concern that "something better" would come along that I wouldn't want to miss, either professionally or personnaly, or I just didn't get my paperwork in on time. I have been known to call a show and ask where my booth is only to find my application and check were never mailed. My latest event I have planned ahead for. I got photos to the show promoter that they are planning on using in their show advertising. Today I will be information about the Cottage and Lakefront Show at the Rock Financial Showplace in Novi the week-end of February 28th is listed on my events page in Facebook, my Web Site, and on this blog. I've got limited resources here in our room, so the photo above is lacking, to say the least, but it is one of a new set of windows I have been creating and will be taking to the show with me.
My History: Ok, I stopped on the last blog with my passion. Unfortunatly, my confidence didn't match my passion and I fumbled around with different ideas for quite a while. It got married to my husband Tom on October 16, 1982. I continued to work, go to school, and spend time with friends. I took on a new job downtown Detroit at the Renaissance Center, which at that time was the Westin Hotel. I worked in the personnel office there. Unfortunately, my schooling kind of took a back seat because they didn't pay for it. The bank did pay for my schooling and I was told the Westin Hotel did too... until I went to sign up for classes. Whoops... they thought they did, I was told. So, that was excuse enough for me to stop for a while. Along with the fact that I really didn't want to go to school in Detroit after work and making it back to Dearborn in time for classes was pretty tough.
Today's Business: Not worried about it today. It's Saturday, 6:44am, so the sun will be up soon and we can be on the ski hills at 9am. Sometimes, business has to wait. I did, however, continue my blog. And, that's a good thing.
Pat Deere
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