Day 6 Donations: $ .328764
Donations Running Total: $.368084
Day 7 Growth Idea: Adding Form Letters To My Procedures Book
I know, I know... such exciting stuff. But having this organized is making my life so much easier. I am realizing that a lot of my knowledge about proper format for letters, etc. came from the days in high school when I had shorthand and typing. It is not information that much of the younger generation automatically knows like those of us who went to school a few years ago. On the other hand, it is so easy to go to the Internet and type in "Form Letters" and get a whole slew of samples. So, that's the plan for today. Having form letters I can copy and paste, then alter where needed, for our most common responses.
My History: In 1989 we made the move to Tecumseh from Wayne. Loved the property, the Irish Hills that is close, and the solitude of country life with the access to Jackson, Toledo and Ann Arbor being only about 40 minutes away. That was in February of '89. Our first child, Matthew, was born in December. I quit my job at Ford to stay home and raise our family. But, I am not the kind that can just sit around. For those who know me well, I always have to be doing something. During the years leading up to Matthews birth I continued to take stained glass classes and work on projects of my own.
Today's Business: Yesterday was exciting. My latest shipment of furniture from Wyoming arrived. The glass for my glass easels arrived. Our new windows arrived. Today I will be trying to take care of the business I originally had planned for yesterday along with beginning to create glasswork for my newly arrived log lamps and tables. In the photo shown here you can see why I love this furniture. It is made with Aspen and the logs have such character. The bottoms of both of these lamp bases are so unique. Can't wait to get started on the lampshades for them.
Pat Deere
NOTE: Don't forget about my free class this Thursday!
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