Day 2 Donations: $.03932
Todays %:
Donations Running Total: $ .03932
Day 3 Growth Idea: Newsletter Information
I have been sending my newsletter through Constant Contact but haven't done one in a while. I'm past due. Today I gathered some information that I like to include: Window of the Month from the Michigan Stained Glass Census and emailed it to my office so we can begin our next edition. The photo above is the latest featured church in the census. I am actually skiing at Boyne Mountain with my kids and husband this week-end... so didn't do much but this will get me started. Yesterdays web site additions went well. Dana and I got to put a few new items in and I was able to leave quite a few for her to work on while we were skiing. Without these goals, I may not have done that.
My History: My first years in college consisted of wanting to follow my passion for art, and my sensible self telling me to focus on more practical classes. Whenever things would get too difficult, trying to work full time and going to school in the evening, I would drop my art class. Looking back, I wish I never would have done that but it seemed like the right decision at the time. I continued working for Manufacturers Bank full time and going to school part time in Dearborn. I met my husband during these years and loved his passion for whatever he was doing .. which was similar to myself.
Toady's Business: I was able to leave quite a few products for Dana to add to my web site this morning while we were skiing. Yesterdays goal of creating a procedures page for went well. It allowed Dana to be comfortable working on them while I was out of the office today.
Pat Deere
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