Day 5 Donations: $ .
Donations Running Total: $.03932
Day 6 Growth Idea: Utilizing my bulletin board for something other than old Halloween photos.
I have this bulletin board behind my desk that seems to collect unimportant things... (for example). In a previous job as a Realtor, my boss would have a picture of each home being sold on the board so they were constantly on our minds. That's my goal for my studio. Some projects get kind of lost in the shuffle - out of sight out of mind. I have been putting a reminder on Quickbooks, but there is something about seeing that helps me. So, off with the photo of my brother Jeff, cousins Angie and Amber, and myself from Halloween about 20 years ago... and on with photos of my current projects. I don't know. I might have to keep the Halloween photo there too.
My History: At some point in time, bc (before children), I was invited to take a stained glass class at Delphi Stained Glass in Westland, MI. My friend Sue was taking the class and she invited me to go along. During the class she found out that she was pregnant with her daughter and couldn't solder. So, when class was over, I bought her soldering iron, glass cutter, and grinder. That was the beginning of my becoming a stained glass artist. My first piece is hanging over my washer and dryer. I can pick out a lot of flaws in it but I still like the composition.
Today's Business: Creating glass easels for my Flint Windows. These are my windows that are 14' high. I have purchased 1/4" glass for each of the 5 windows. Clay will be here this morning to make the easels so I can place my cut glass on them and know how the light will effect it. Glass can look very different if it has light from behind, from in front, or no light at all. It also changes with the various forms of artificial lighting. Without easels, I don't know what those effects will look like.
Pat Deere
NOTE: Free Class This Thursday
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