
Strength Courage and Wisdom

Ok.  This is it.  I was given a mesh mask that was my husbands stepmothers.  Some of you recognized it as a radiation mask.  She gave me the mask well over a year ago and asked me to do something with it.  It took me a while to figure out the best approach.

Because it is flimsy, using glass, the medium I most often use wasn't an option.  I wanted the mesh of the mask to show through and with glass, I would have had to solidify the mold which would have hidden the mesh.
I considered painting, but that would not have done what I envisioned either.
Finally, I came upon a bunch of beads used on a window display when I had a studio downtown Adrian.  As artists, we keep everything.  I guess there was a reason I never gave these beads away.  We also don't throw anything out.
Little by little the mask came to life.  If you ever put one on, it is very confining.  It is easy to imagine what it must feel like when your face is locked into place with this mask during treatments.  I wanted it to be something fun, bright, colorful and inspiring.
The lettered beads read, Strength * Courage * Wisdom.  Enough said.
This made me think... there is an Art Bra Auction in Tecumseh.  Anybody up for an art bra party in my studio?  We have to work fast.  Entries are due February 3rd.  Watch this blog for more info on dates and times.

And... do me a favor.  Go hug a survivor!

Pat Deere

Art Bra Auction Info

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