
Day 40: Make A Difference In Somebody's Life

365 Days of My Life As A Studio Artist: Day 40

Day 39 Donations:

Donation Running Total:

Today's Growth Idea: Make a difference in somebodies life! I was driving to the Cottage Show yesterday morning after 2 days of practically no visitors to the show, feeling a little depressed about how it was turning out after so much effort. I was thinking to myself, if I could just make a difference in somebodies life that day, it would be a good day and I wouldn't need to worry about how the show was going. As soon as I walked in, I talked to an older vendor at the show who paid me a very nice compliment... I made a difference in his life. I also talked to the grandfather of a little girl who is trying to raise money to send three terminally ill children to camp. She has been doing this for three years. She is only 13 now. I told him I would donate some stained glass to her cause for her fundraising purposes.

My History: During this time, I also made sure whenever I did custom work, I would get 50% down prior to starting the job. I got caught earlier on in my business working with customers I thought I could trust. So, I ordered glass and started the project prior to getting a down payment. Unfortunately, there was a lack of communication on their part and I found out through their contractor that they changed their mind about the project... after I already paid for the glass. Experience changes how you do business.

Today's Business: I am going back to the Cottage and Lakefront Show. Yesterday proved to be a much better day than the day before. The weather cooperated, I96 was not closed twice due to accidents like the day before, a lot of people stopped and talked to us and were very complimentary about our products. Today is the last day of the show if you were planning on coming out!

Today's Photo: A section of my booth including 1 wall of stained glass and my log furniture display.

Pat Deere

LINKS: The Cottage and Lakefront Living Show


Day 39: The Power Of Attitude

Today's Growth Idea: Attitude is a little thing that makes a big difference.

Today's Business: I am at the Cottage and Lakefront Show. Due to the weather, we probably saw 500-1000 people over the course of 2 days of a 4 day show that is supposed to bring 40,000 visitors. So, I have to keep a positive attitude...


Day 37: Be Early!

365 Days of my Life As A Studio Artist: Day 37

Day 36 Donation: (Time to collect.)
Donation Running Total: $29,59957

Today's Growth Idea: Be Early! This is not something I am really good at. I am pretty much set up for my show although I have some polishing to do on my glass. Today I will try to be early so I can be totally ready and not feel rushed!

My History: Guess I was pretty tired the last time I added to this section... I never finished my sentence. Sometimes the dynamics of a job can be kind of funny. The lamps for the seasons were a wonderful project for me but I can remember anywhere from 2-5 people coming to my studio to give me direction. Finally, I had to ask "Who is paying the bill?". The answer to that questions helped me know whose ideas I needed to listen to most. Sometimes if there are too many people involved I have found it important to know who the decision maker is or there can be problems in the end.

Today's Business: We are putting the final touches on our Newsletter, Show Flyer, price sheets for the show, etc. I am trying to finish a couple of more lamps, come up with a better project for me to demonstrate with (my lion was too big for the space), and possibly a couple of garden trellis's if I get that far. Then, off to Rock Financial Showplace for their opening at 2pm. Hope to see you there! I was told they featured my crushed glass piece on their promotional interview on the news yesterday! I couldn't see it because we only get Toledo stations here.

Today's Photo: This is my 4' aspen coffee table with a beveled glass insert incorporating agate and stones.

NOTE: Somehow my letters are looking really big. Is it looking that way to you?

Pat Deere

LINKS: Cottage & Lakefront Show Floor Plan, I am booths 1320 & 1322


Day 36: Go To Bed!

365 Days Of My Life As A Studio Artist: Day 36

Day 35 Donation:

Donation Running Total: $29.59957

Today's Growth Idea: Go To Bed! I have been in my studio since 6am Monday. Now, it's 17 minutes past midnight Tuesday morning... and I am still soldering, grouting, and getting tired.

History: Is going to have to wait for another day.

Today's Business: The same as yesterday... more glass work and more setting up for my show in Novi on Thursday. It's a good thing I love this!

Today's Photo: Grouting in the process. This is a mirror for one of my displays at the Cottage and Lakefront Living Show.

Pat Deere


Day 35: Detach

365 Days Of My Life As A Studio Artist: Day 35

Day 34 Donations: $

Donations Running Total: $29.59957

Today's Growth Idea: Detach. This could be kind of lengthy. I was working out today and reading more of, "tuesdays with Morrie", by Mitch Albom. It always surprised me that I liked his books because I wasn't really a follower of his. In today's reading, Mitch was talking to Morrie about detachment. The way I understand their discussion, Morrie feels detaching comes after you have thrown yourself fully in to an emotional situation, becoming totally aware of the feelings, and then when you have that feeling again you are not afraid of where it might take you. He says you need to "pull it on like a comfortable shirt". I could totally relate to this and it helped me to understand why I am where I am today. You will see over the course of this 365 day blog, I have been through a lot both personally and in my business. Through deaths of my family members, my studio fire, and personal struggles, I have learned to get past situations and move on. But, I didn't get past them easily and many of them caused me to dig deep into searching for meaning in my life. It caused me to dig deeper into my faith. And, it made me more determined to make my business succeed. This year, I feel like I have done the groundwork already. Now, I am able to put all of these experiences to work for me. Experiences I have learned from that only make me stronger.

My History: During my time at this studio, I was fortunate enough to get the job of making slumped glass panel lamps for a very unusual restaurant in Adrian, MI called The Seasons. What I remember most about this project was the number of people involved in this lamp making process. It finally got

Today's Business: Spent all day loading a trailer and taking it to the Rock Financial Showplace, unloading it, setting up a booth, and getting home at 9:30pm.

Today's Photo: My aspen table lamp that matches my 4' log table. The table and lamp are made with stained glass, stones, and agate. They will be on my Pictures In Glass and The Log Furniture Division website soon!

Pat Deere
365 Days Of My Life As A Studio Artist: Day 34

Day 33 Donations:

Donations Running Total: $29.59957

Today's Growth Idea: When you take control of your time, you take control of your life. Start your day with a plan of action (make your list the night before).

My History: Without having a sign it was important for me to advertise and try to get people into my studio. I got involved with the Chamber of Commerce. I participated in the local Home Builders Association home show. I set up a booth at the local county fair. Advertising was a tricky and expensive thing for me that was difficult to track the results of.

Today's Business: I already did this list. I woke up at 1am this morning thinking about all that I had to do before setting up for the show tomorrow. Experience has told me I am better off getting up and getting it off my mind instead of laying awake thinking about it. So, I got on the computer, did my daily reading/reflection, emailed myself a list of things I need to do today, and went back to sleep. So, when I woke up and found this idea when looking for tips for busy people, it hit home with me.

Today's Photo: It doesn't look like much but this is my floorplan for my show. I will be unloading log furniture (which is heavy), glass that I don't want broken, walls, etc. so knowing where they will go when unloading them off of the truck is important.

Pat Deere

LINKS: When I googled, "Lists for busy people", this was the link I got.


Day 33: When I stand before God at the end of my life,

365 Days Of My Life As A Studio Artist: Day 33

Day 32 Donations

Donations Running Total: $

Today's Growth Idea: A quote my niece heard but can't remember where it came from seems appropriate for today: When I stand before God at the end of my life, I would hope that I would not have one single bit of talent left, and I would say, "I used everything you gave me".

My History: I continuously pushed for a sign but was there for a year and never got it. Some good things were happening though. My boys were getting older and 2 of them were now in school. Casey would come to the studio with me a lot and also went to pre-school some. He really enjoyed pre-school and that made my job much easier knowing he was happy and cared for as I continued with my business. For any parent, you understand how important this is.

Today's Business: I was able to come home from our hockey week-end and spend some time in my studio getting ready for tomorrow. I am setting up a kitchen display, a bathroom display, and a living room display for my upcoming show along with my usual glass display. So, I have cut glass for my mosaic back splash, made arrangements to pick up a kitchen cabinet door and counter top tomorrow, and have mapped out how my display will be set up. My Spring Newsletter is also almost ready for publication.

Today's Picture: Sacred Heart Church Hudson, window installation by Chris Paschke of CAP Construction, LLC.

Patty Deere

LINKS: Churches: New and Restored
CAP Construction LLC


Day 32: Continuous Renewal

365 Days Of My Life As A Studio Artist: Day 32
Day 31 Donations:
Donations Running Total: 29.59957
Today's Growth Idea: The will to win... The will to achieve... goes dry and arid without continuous renewal ~Vince Lombardi, Jr. Going away this week-end for some much needed rest before the upcoming busy week.

My History: The sign thing was a big issue with me. My business was in the middle of a strip mall inside a building. So, even though I had shared window space in the front of the building, with no sign it was a real problem.

Today's Business: Got up and finished some lamp shades. Because I am going away for the night, I am taking my computer so I can update the log web site.

Today's Photo: I'll post one tomorrow. My log tables and glass inserts look awesome. Haven't been able to get a good photo that does them justice.

Pat Deere


Day 31: Keep on going - but don't get sick.

365 Days Of My Life As A Studio Artist: Day 31

Day 30 Donations:

Donations Running Total: 29.59957

Today's Growth Idea: Keep on going but don't get sick. When I am getting ready for shows it is easy for me to get up early, work all day, work late at night, and get sick because I forget to eat well, drink water, and take care of myself. Today, I will call my homeopath and be sure I have some supplements to help fill the gap of my current routine.

My History: So here I am with three boys in tow, setting up a new studio, and trying to get business going. I had a real problem with my new place... getting a sign up was becoming a real issue. I don't know where the problem stemmed from but signage in Adrian could be somewhat problematic at that time. Now I have a nice new studio, plenty of space, lots of windows and no sign. Hmmmm.

Today's Business: I will be finishing the log table that the crushed glass piece shown here will be made from. Yesterday I finished my 4' table and the lamp that compliments it. Today, I plan to make more lamps, finish putting wood frames around several pieces I have had in my studio, finish my garden trellis' that have been selling very well, and hopefully finish my kitchen and bathroom displays. I do have help today but one of my helpers is on her way to Florida as we speak... so I am going to head down to the studio now!

Today's Photo: Colorado II is what I call this piece. This is the fired glass prior to being incorporated into a beveled glass border.

Pat Deere


Day 30: I had one child in the front pack, one in the backpack, and one holding my hand? I started thinking, "Where's the circulation in my arms?"

365 Days Of My Life As A Studio Artist: Day 30

Day 29 Donations:

Donations Running Total: $29.59957

Today's Growth Idea: Getting ready for my show, which I have been talking about a lot, because right now it is my focus. Although I got 3 free 10'x10' spaces out of the deal, it is still very costly in terms of booth rental, renting a truck, and paying for the time for people helping me. On top of making glass, we are painting walls, getting paperwork ready, etc. So, although I have done shows before, have a checklist for them, and feel fairly confident about this one, many of the shows I have been to have not been as successful as I would have liked. There is a lot of information on properly working a show and today we will be looking for and utilizing some of the information I have collected in the past along with looking for other helpful tips.

My History: Let me back up a bit... somewhere along the line before moving to my new space I had another beautiful child, my son Casey. I think he was born during my time at the Tecumseh studio which would have been 1992. Having a third child made things very different for me. I could no longer have a child in each hand when I went places - what was I going to do with the third? I was always determined to be able to do whatever I had to do ... that just meant figuring out how I was going to get it done. One time I remember going somewhere and I thought to myself, no problem. I will just put Casey in the front pack, Travis in the backpack, and I will hold Matthews hand. It didn't take long to realize I was getting no circulation to my arms and had to look for another solution. And that is kind of how I did things.

Today's Business: Along with the trade show info I will be looking for, today is the day for lamps. They have been my goal and we haven't gotten that far yet. Most of my unfinished pieces are done and just need polishing and packing. I will have the help of several people and will take advantage of every minute they are there. Making the pattern, cutting the glass, trying out my new 90 degree angle came, and putting them together! Can't wait to get started. I am going to have to cancel tonight's bead class and reschedule for another day. Next time I will give people more notice.

Today's Photo: Taking good photos of my booth is hard for me. This one was taken at an outdoor show at the Clinton Fall Festival before I got my latest display. It was interesting to experiment with the set up of my booth. By putting the log table in the center, it gave people a pathway to come in and walk around. Not having it there, meant most people just looked in but didn't walk inside. Little things can make such a difference.

Pat Deere


Day 29: "Are you at peace with yourself?"

365 Days of My Life As A Studio Artist: Day 29

Day 28 Donations: .739719

Donations Running Total: 29.59957

Today's Growth Idea: "Have you found someone to share your heart with?" he asked.
"Are you giving to your community?
"Are you at peace with yourself?
"Are you trying to be as human as you can be?"
These are questions Morrie Schwartz asked Mitch Album in his book, Tuesdays With Morrie. Staying focused on what is important during busy times is as important to myself and my business as anything else. Getting ready for shows is always hectic. Trying to make sure I have enough to sell, the right things to sell, that everything looks just right. Even when I am busy, taking the time to read inspirational books like this one helps me to focus on what is important in my life... not just the physical and monetary things.

My History: Moving glass is not easy. I have done it before and I am doing it again. The good thing is that I had my glass bins built , my tables built, and was starting to acquire a stock of finished glass pieces. The space I was moving into had glass walls along the whole side of the space the faced the hallway. The really hard part was moving all of that stuff down the stairs, out the door, into a truck and back out again into my new space. NOTE: Having my bins and tables built was not so good when considering they had to be disassembled before moving them and reassembling them.

Today's Business: Still getting ready for my show. I was able to borrow some walls from another business that will allow me to set up a separate space for a living room setting, a kitchen setting, and a bathroom setting. Yesterday we prepared the walls for painting and today they will get painted. I was able to finish a lot of glass yesterday and today we will polish them and pack them for the show. I started on the table inserts for my log tables and plan on finishing them today. I have one at Great Ideas Emporium in Tecumseh using my Iris Glass and glass bevels. The 4' table we are working on now incorporates beveled glass, clear textured glass, a beautiful brown agate, stones, and a border glass of brown that compliments the agate. It looks like things are starting to come together... and, it is getting exciting. It is at this point that I really need to remember to eat right, drink a lot of water, exercise, and keep my spiritual life in focus or I can get run down and sick. Getting up at 5am and working until 7pm is not always easy even though I love what I am doing.

Today's photo is my new piece called "Evergreen In The Fall". I'll be taking it to the show with me!

Pat Deere

Great Ideas Emporium
The Log Furniture Division


Day 28: Planning ahead for my meeting with SCORE

365 Days of My Life As A Studio Artist: Day 28

Day 27 Donations: $ .739719

Donations Running Total: $29.59957

Today's Growth Idea: Getting ready for S.C.O.R.E. One thing I have not been very good at is planning ahead financial for my business. THAT is going to change. I have an appointment with a SCORE counselor once he gets back from vacation. I am trying to get all of my financial stuff ready so I can learn to make projections, track the past, etc. Counselors from SCORE are volunteers who have worked in the business environment. They help people like myself with business plans, projecting, etc. Not as fun as working on glass but a necessary part of business.

My History: The advantages to this location were it's size and focus on the building industry. It was new, large hallways, entrance from the front and back, parking on the street and back lot, windows in the front for display. I decided to rent a space in the Home Design Gallery in Adrian for $800/month.

Today's Business: Meeting with Great Ideas this morning to check on walls they have for me to borrow for my upcoming show. While there, will discuss with my contractor how to properly quote a church renovation project. Then, back to the studio where we'll be working on table tops and lamps for the show. Moving along but the show is next week and no matter how much I prepare, I always feel like there is more I should have done. I am learning, however, that there is only so much time in a day and I can't do it all. Doesn't mean I still don't try. Today's photo is similar to those I may bring the the Novi show next week-end. This one is slumped Spectrum iridized glass.

Pat Deere

SCORE Michigan
Slumped Glass Bowls


Day 27: Utlize free services more!

365 Days Of My Life As A Studio Artist: Day 27

Day 26 Donations:

Donations Running Total: 28.85988

Day 27 Growth Idea: Utilize StoresOnline chat more. When I started working with web sites I had people build them for me. I found it hard to tell them exactly what I wanted and the changes were costly and time consuming. I needed to be able to have access to it so I could make changes whenever I needed to. So, I purchased my web sites through StoresOnline. One of the advantages of them for me was the 24 hour a day contact with their support, on the phone, through tutorials, and through online chat. I was putting off a correction for a couple of weeks because it had me baffled. One chat with StoresOnline support and the problem was fixed. It's a no-brainer. I need to utilize their free services more.

My History: Now it's about the end of my second year in business, I am taking classes, learning how to run a business better, experimenting with advertising, and looking around for a better location. I found what I though would be the right place for me in Adrian. It was a mall they were trying to promote as the place to go for home building needs. At the time, there was a kitchen and bath shop, home designer, and a couple of other businesses in this building. I began to investigate another move.

Today's Business: We are getting caught up on little jobs that have to be finished. I have to send a quote request to a window company for a church that is asking about protective glass and some stained glass restoration work. I also need to ask for another quote for the ventilated framing for that church. We will begin building the lamp shades for my log lamps today so they will be ready for the Cottage and Lakefront Show coming up. And, a futon cover needs to be ordered for the futon we will be taking as well.

Pat Deere


Day 26: I call this piece, "Trinity"

365 Days Of My Life As A Studio Artist: Day 26

Day 25 Donations: $ 2.196554

Donations Running Total: $28.85988

Day 26 Growth Idea: Inspiration. This quote means many things to me. And I know, people get their spiritual fix (or not) in different ways. I get mine by reading a lot of different things and taking time to meditate on them. They may be biographies, like "tuesdays with Morrie", sometimes fictional, like "The Shack", writings from various philosophers, and the daily readings from my church. What struck me today was: Jer 17:5-8 He is like a tree planted beside the waters that stretches out its roots to the stream: it fears not the heat when it comes; its leaves stay green; in the year of drought it shows no distress, but still bears fruit. This quote can mean many things to me. On days I take the time to do my daily reading and meditate, things just go better. I can work through stressful situations that might otherwise be quite difficult for me. It truly effects how I run my business. And, the same is true of my business, if I put all of the proper things in place, that planning is like the roots of the tree stretching out to the stream allowing my business to succeed during tough times. I call today's photo, "Trinity". Other than the face, I cut it from one sheet of beautiful glass. This picture does not do it justice. I will get a better photo, then post it on my web site.

My History: Another class I took during this period of time was a paper weight class with Don McKinney while at the AGSA Conference in Las Vegas. I still have the paperweight and it is the only one I have ever made. There was great growth for me here though. I decided "NOT" to buy all of the equipment it took to do paperweights in my studio. It was a fairly costly purchase had I done it. My normal behavior would have been to buy it on the spot. But, there were other things I was learning and I decided to concentrate on those areas first. I am actually happy that I was able to have the discipline to do that. It helped me to realize that sometimes it is better for me to enlist the help of other artist than to try to be able to do everything myself. It allows me to concentrate on what I am best at and still experiment with other areas of glass work when I can.

Today's Business: This was it for today. Updating my blog, putting my free class info on my web site and Craig's List. Then... off to Melvindale for more hockey. Enjoy your Sunday!

Pat Deere


Day 24: Happy Valentines Day

365 Days Of My Life As A Studio Artist: Day 24

Day 23 Donations: $ .

Donations Running Total: $26.6633

Day 24 Growth Idea: Show off more of my seasonal items. The photo shown here is one a husband had custom made for his wife for Valentines Day. The glass used are the rolled edges of the art glass, which allows light to come through since the pieces are not solidly soldered. Her name and occupation were painted with glass paints and fired in the kiln. The red heart stands up quite a bit since it is about 1/2" thick, much thicker than the rest of the glass.

History and Today's Business will have to wait till tomorrow. We worked all day, it's 8:15pm, and I have to deliver this piece!

I'll have this piece and others like it posted on my web site soon.

Pat Deere


Bead Making Day: Toledo Museum of Art

365 Days Of My Life As A Studio Artist: Day 25

Day 24 Donations: $ .

Donations Running Total: $26.6633

Day 25 Growth Idea: Free Bead Making Class!!!!! The Toledo Museum of Art, Glass Pavilion is one of my favorite places. They have glass blowing demonstrations you can watch on a regular basis. For Mardi Gras, they are looking for 10,000 glass beads to make a glass bead curtain. At any rate, my donation money for now is going to be used to offer a free stained glass class where the students can try their hand at the torch. The cost of the gas and glass will be covered and the beads will be donated to the Glass Pavilion for their cause. I would love to see you. Although the class will be free, I will need your advanced registration. While at the free class, I will be offering a 25% discount on bead making kits ordered that night, as well as $20 off a purchase of private lessons!

My History: One of the classes I took while in Las Vegas was an installation class. Sounds boring, but there are as many installation options as there are stained glass windows. Knowing how to properly install, reinforce, sometimes thermopane glass is important in order to get the longest life out of each stained glass panel.

Today's Business: I am heading to Melvindale for a son's hockey tournament. While there, I am bringing a couple of lamps I repaired for one customer, and the window photographed here for a customer in the Dearborn area. I met these customers through my web site. when Herb called, he was excited to have a window created to compliment 3 other antique windows he and his wife purchased elsewhere. I will also be working on my web site. One game is at 10:45 the other at 7:55. So, there is a lot of time in between. I finally purchased a new laptop that I can actually use with the battery for times like this. Yeah!

Pat Deere

Bead Making Classes, Private Lesson Information
Toledo Museum of Art, The Bead Goes On Project


Day 23: Jimmy Buffet is like life on a beach on a hot summer day - even if it's gloomy outside.

365 Days Of My Life As A Studio Artist: Day 23

Day 22 Donations: $ .

Donations Running Total: $26.6633

Day 23 Growth Idea: Music is always inspiring to me. I sometimes get caught up in what I am doing and forget to turn on the radio. Sometimes I need it off to concentrate, but other times I need it to get me going. Ok, say what you want, but I am still a Jimmy Buffet fan. If I am sluggish, if it is dreary outside, if I need to feel happy... I put on a Jimmy Buffet CD and it takes me away. I thought of that today as I read the email about the Jam Camp I have a link to below. Music was also the inspiration for the glass in today's photo. I drew my design as I listened to the Dublin Philharmonic Orchestra live outside of Chicago. I have a link for the Adrian Symphany Orchestra that I have heard great things about as well.

My History: The whole time I am running my business, I am constantly taking classes. Sometimes they were local and other times I would travel for them. I would often go to Las Vegas and make a business/pleasure trip. My husband would gamble and I would learn about bead making, or installation, or glass blowing, or any number of other classes. I told my husband, I always got the better end of the deal on these trips. At least I came home with knowledge... not sure what he came home with, or how much he left behind.

Today's Business: Time to revisit an old quote and update it for a customer who is wanting to fundraise for a major renovation.

Pat Deere


Day 22: Treasure The Quiet Moments

365 Days Of My Life As A Studio Artist: Day 22

Day 21 Donations: $ .0287669

Donations Running Total: $26.6633

Day 22 Growth Idea: Get out my books and revisit some of the ideas I thought were so good. We are renovating our home. Our living room and office is down to the 2x4's and all of our stuff had to be moved. That meant, I was moving books from one place to the next. I love to read inspirational books and I don't give those away. They always help me in some way. Today's inspirational thought to help me through my day: Treasure The Quiet Moments. That is the quote engraved on the glass shown in the photo today.

My History: The rest of my time in the upstairs studio is kind of a blur. Still raising my boys and bringing them to the studio with me most of the time. Babysitters arranged when necessary. Most of the custom work I did at this point was small - hanging panels for gifts for people, etc. And that was ok because I was still learning - still am actually. Although the space I had was large and inexpensive, it was not very good for business. I didn't have main floor exposure and people had to walk up stairs to get to me. So... here I go looking again.

Today's Business: Got a ton of glass work done yesterday and plan to do the same today. Unfortunately, our office assistant is not feeling well. With her out and this being the normal day off for my studio help, I will have another day of uninterrupted work time. But first, I will be going to Hudson to look at a possible church restoration project. They are in the process of fund raising and need to know what they are looking at for costs. Not always easy because you never know what you will run into with old buildings. I have worked in this church before though, so that helps. I'll have to leave early because of the snow... most of the schools are closed for the day.

Pat Deere

LINKS: To see a few of the items I have ready for sale (including the one shown above), click here.

Day 21: Take advantage of the snowfall!

365 Days Of My Life As A Studio Artist: Day 21

Day 20 Donations: $

Donations Running Total: $26.37563

Day 21 Growth Idea: Take advantage of the snowfall! Today, my help did not come in due to illness and snow. That means, I have the studio to myself. Much needed uninterrupted time. Yes!

My History: Along with learning from my students through classes, I learned a lot about the glass itself. After a short while, I found out there was a lot I didn't know. I started ordering sample boxes from the glass companies because there was no way I could keep a sheet of every kind of glass in my studio. The sample boxes allowed me the chance to show customers what their options were at a fairly low cost.

Today's Business: Work, work, work... on glass! Today's photo is my finished "Colorado" crushed glass panel. I put it on my web site but still have to get the photo to show up on my "Panels and Lamps" for sale page. Today marks 3 weeks for my new blog format. I think they say it takes 3 weeks to turn something into a habit. I believe it is working for me!

Pat Deere

LINKS: Pictures In Glass


Day 20: "I would perhaps have more actual troubles, but fewer imaginary ones."

365 Days Of My Life As A Studio Artist: Day 20

Day 19 Donations: $19.72584

Donations Running Total: $26.37563

Day 20 Growth Idea:
"I would perhaps have more actual troubles, but fewer imaginary ones." This is a quote from one of my favorite poems, If I had my life to live over, I would pick more daisies., by Nadine Stair. For me, this tells me to focus on the problems of the day and not worry about what might be. By planning ahead, it takes the worry out.

My History: I think what I learned during this period of my business was how to effectively give classes. I started coming up with outlines that I would improve upon over the years. Having an outline for the students also helped me prepare for the class before they came. I learned to listen to them. I learned that the energy I got from them was equal to the knowledge I was able to give to them. In my opinion, we all benefited, from classes and still do today. The photo today is one taken when I took a week long glass painting workshop in Bennington Vermont with Peter McGrain. It was an awesome week!

Today's Business: Time to really focus. I miss my morning routine of prayer and meditation. So that is first on my list. My show is only a couple of weeks away. I need to make a drawing of how my booth will look and start setting things up. I am feeling pretty good about it but still need to make about 8 lamp shades and two table inserts. I have several projects on the table that need to be finished... just the framing is left, before I can start anything new. And I'll get Dana started on my log web site. I'm realizing too many items are not showing up yet.

Pat Deere

LINKS: Poem by Nadine Stair
The Log Furniture Division Web Site

Day 19: Just enjoy the day!

365 Days Of My Life As A Studio Artist: Day 19

Day 18 Donations: $19.72584

Donations Running Total: $26.37563

Day 19 Growth Idea: Just Enjoy The Day! Today was busy. Wedding shower for my niece. Visiting a relative in the hospital. Watched a few minutes of football, ate some fresh fish from a friend, then went to bed.


Day 18: Communication Is Key

365 Days Of My Life As A Studio Artist: Day 18

Day 17 Donations: $19.72584

Donations Running Total: $26.37563

Day 18 Growth Idea: Better Communication Yesterday a customer came in to pick up a repair that wasn't finished yet. I try not to call anybody and tell them to come in until I know for sure their project is done. We had trouble with the sandblasting equipment that I couldn't predict. It took us about half a day - buying a new gun, nozzles, connectors, running to Tractor Supply and Tecumseh Plywood. With a detour to McDonald's for a Mocha! I really think my customer misunderstood, but I have to let my employees know to tell customers we will call them before they come in to pick up their glass. I told her I would deliver it to her when it's done so she doesn't have to make an extra trip. It was my mistake.

My History: I can't remember all of the details, but it seemed each time I moved I was pregnant with another child. So, that made me anxious to find a final place! But this second story studio worked really well for a while. I hired somebody to help me solder since I couldn't do it while pregnant. That brought on extra expenses that I didn't expect to have this early in the game. But, all along I knew this stage of my business was going to include a lot of growth and education. The studio was large enough that I could bring my children with me. I had a large area for them to play. During classes, I always had a baby sitter so I could give my students devoted attention. There was a young girl who would come into my studio and loved taking the boys for walks. I still see her sometimes today.

Today's Business: Besides following up on this blog and going to the bank, not much is happening today. My son is in his hockey tournament in Lansing. They are still a priority. I am going to try to fit in some time on my log furniture web site. We have almost all products in the "back end" but need to get them where customers can see them.

Pat Deere

LINKS: The Log Furniture Division


Day 17: Assuming Got Me Nowhere

365 Days Of My Life As A Studio Artist: Day 17

Day 16 Donations: $3.50709

Donations Running Total: $6.659789

Day 17 Growth Idea: Not Assuming
I lost a job (but not the customer) yesterday that I pretty much thought was a given for me. This customer was in a hurry and told me what they wanted, the deadline, the price range they had to work with, and how they heard of me (from the Sourcebook at Guild.com). What did I learn? Don't assume, no matter how promising it sounds, that it is a for sure till the contract is signed and the money is received. Although time has shown me this is true, because of our initial conversations, I didn't send this potential customer all of the information I normally send with a quote... my resume, my list of references, past jobs, etc. I was told I was not working with a committee so the CD slide show of previous jobs, and my technique was not important. In the end, her biggest concern was a lack of knowledge of my work and not having seen previous jobs I have completed and their quick turnaround time did not allow her the opportunity to visit jobs I have already installed. Next time, I'll send it all and they can weed out what they don't want.

My History: In the early years of my business I did a lot of advertising in newspapers, radio, etc. I'm not going to say it didn't work, but I didn't see a direct response to that advertising. Internet was not really popular then and I didn't use the Internet for advertising. About a year after moving into the small space in Tecumseh, I moved to the building next door. The space was much larger, but it was on the 2nd floor. Although I did not have a main floor window, I did have much more room and lots of windows to display my glass work. If I remember right, I moved into this space about the same time I found out I was pregnant with my third child. But, I kept moving forward. The lamp shown here was one of my first custom made pieces some employees had made for their boss.

Today's Business: #1 on the list for today is to send the customer above the documentation not included initially. I will be sending a list of my references and public places she can see my work in. Future jobs could depend on her getting this information. #2 on the list is to finish several small projects I need to get paid for. Monday I want to start gluing glass to my easels for my Women's Rights window.

LINKS: Guild Sourcebooks This is a wonderful full photo book of artwork of all kinds in public places, private residences, churches, and commercial buildings.


What was I thinking?

365 Days Of My Life As A Studio Artist: Day 16

Day 15 Donations: $1.16712

Donations Running Total: $3.142699

Day 16 Growth Idea: Profitable Glass Quarterly. Reading trade publications always helps me. This months Profitable Glass Quarterly is exciting from the first page. The Editor tells of the Celebrity Cruise she went on that raised over $14,000 for scholarships and efforts to deliver glass art books and magazines to art teachers. So in between visiting the islands, there were glass classes, workshops, seminars, etc. This kind of inspiration is priceless to me. It reminds me of what the Michigan Glass Guild did for me in my early years. The link for the next cruise is listed below. (In this photo, my husband thought he was a photographer and... I don't know what I was thinking. For most of you who know me, my normal dress is jeans and work shoes. This room of the cruise ship was all hands - the walls - the chairs - and all the decorations. I was talking to my cousins wife and we are both dorky enough to only rollerblade with wrist guards on. Can't imagine being without my hands. I have even practiced doing things left handed, just in case something was to happen. Ever try brushing your teeth with your left hand?)

My History: Making customers want what I had was not so easy. Early on, I joined the Michigan Glass Guild. That was a wonderful resource for me even though I couldn't make it to very many events. The Guild would have monthly pot-lucks at a different glass artists studio. I didn't know anybody, and didn't feel qualified to be there, but I learned from every meeting I went to. I would see other artists techniques, their approach to their art, and their ideas about how to market themselves.

Today's Business: Busy. I have a lot of projects started that need finishing. One of them is a sandblasted window that I am duplicating to match an existing window for a customers home. The design was created using American Bevel Designer II, it was printed out on vellum, developed on Photobrasive film, and transferred to the glass for sandblasting. Better get busy.

LINKS: KBW Foundation Cruise 2011


Day 15: Educating the Uneducated

365 Days Of My Life As A Studio Artist: Day 15

Day 14 Donations: $

Donations Running Total: $1.97558

Day 15 Growth Idea: Educating the Uneducated. Let me explain... Tuesday I was questioned about my knowledge of how to support stained glass by somebody who had no experience with it. My first instinct was to defend myself, and ignore his request. I knew that wasn't the best strategy. Today, as part of this "growth idea" thing, I searched the net for business strategies and read a story about a very unhappy customer who had a business owner bend over backwards to make things right. So, that is my plan. I have acquired the appropriate documentation to back up my technique. I will email it to him and the owner in the morning, follow it up with a phone call, and be prepared to answer in detail any questions left unanswered. This takes a lot more time but in the long run, I know I did the best I could to put his uneasiness to rest. I think sometimes as artists, and business owners, we forget that most people don't necessarily know the details of our business and it is our job to educate them about it.

My History: So, I am now a new business owner with an 18 month old and a brand new baby boy. As I am learning the ins and outs of caring for two babies, I am also learning the ins and outs of running a business. And, not just any business. A stained glass business is not necessarily one that people "need". I had to learn how to make customers "want" what I had.

Today's Business: Exciting! I am meeting with Julie at Great Ideas to confirm my order for futon covers, rocker covers, and draperies. I will be using these for the Cottage & Lakefront Living Show in a few weeks. The show publicist has asked for one of my crushed glass panels to use in their TV ads as part of a collection of work that is representative of what people can expect to find there this year. And, I'll be working with Dana, our office assistant about how to improve our office procedures. It just keeps getting better.

LINKS: Preservation Brief #33 Photo shown above. The Preservation and Repair of Historic Stained and Leaded Glass, Neal A. Vogel and Rolf Achilles

Great Ideas Interior Design Studio

Pat Deere

Day 14: Always Room For Improvement

365 Days Of My Life As A Studio Artist: Day 14

Day 13 Donations: $

Donations Running Total: $1.975587

Day 14 Growth Idea: Studio Organization It seems like the studio is in a constant state of rearranging to make room for whatever project I am working on next. Today, I am clearing the last shelf unit of paint, etc. to make room for kiln shelves and molds, which will then make room for my wood and styrofoam sheets, which will make room for me to move tables to set up glass easels. That's for this project anyway.

My History: So, I started out in my little studio, giving classes, creating some custom designs, and taking care of Matthew. The whole time, Travis kept growing in my belly. My studio was feeling smaller and smaller and I realized it just wasn't going to work for me if I was going to continue along the path I was taking. Then, come March of 1991, Travis was born. All of those fears I had about not being able to love a second child as much as I loved the first was put to rest. I think it is a natural thing that your heart grows each time another child is born.

Today's Business: Besides the studio rearrangement... my bookkeeper is coming today and will start working on my personal stuff. Paperwork is by far, my least favorite activity. I am helping Brandi work on my crushed glass pieces and I will be cutting the glass needed for my log table inserts. I have one for a 2' end table and another for a 4' coffee table. I'll be taking these to the Cottage and Lake House Show at the Rock Financial Showplace at the end of the month.

Pat Deere

LINKS: Cottage and Lakefront Living Show, February


Day 13: Artistic Discussions

365 Days Of My Life As A Studio Artist: Day 13

Day 12 Donations: $

Donations Running Total: $1.975587

Day 13 Growth Idea: Artistic Discussions I find that the more I talk with other artists, the more artistic energy I receive. Today, while visiting family in the hospital, I was able to talk to my cousins wife. She is a graphic artist and mother of young children by day, and an artist/entrepreneur by night (and free time). We discussed her Etsy business (photo above is a sample from her Etsy site), my current projects, and the Etsy site she started for her husband (my cousin), who makes horseshoe art. I came back to my studio refreshed and ready to go! Both of their links are shown below.

My History: Some suppliers make quantity discounts available to anybody, which made it easier for me to get credit references. However, my ultimate goal was to get an account at Ed Hoys in Chicago, and Adventure Art Glass in Michigan. These are two companies I still work closely with today.

Today's Business: I have a couple of crushed glass pieces that needed to be framed in bevels. Those were prepared so Brandi could work on them when she arrived today. She is my employee who went to school at the Vocational Technical school in Lenawee County. She was studying graphic arts at Vo-Tech and plans to continue that in college. While she solders, I am repairing a leaded glass window for Siena Hts. University who had the unfortunate luck to have a baseball fly through it. I fixed it once already about 4 years ago. I am also freeing my studio of items I don't need so I can set up my glass easels and start laying out the glass for my Women's Rights window.

Pat Deere

Heather Jane Designs: http://www.facebook.com/home.php?#/HeatherJaneDesign?v=app_169505045786&ref=mf
Altered Iron: http://www.etsy.com/shop/alterediron