Day 22 Donations: $ .
Donations Running Total: $26.6633
Day 23 Growth Idea: Music is always inspiring to me. I sometimes get caught up in what I am doing and forget to turn on the radio. Sometimes I need it off to concentrate, but other times I need it to get me going. Ok, say what you want, but I am still a Jimmy Buffet fan. If I am sluggish, if it is dreary outside, if I need to feel happy... I put on a Jimmy Buffet CD and it takes me away. I thought of that today as I read the email about the Jam Camp I have a link to below. Music was also the inspiration for the glass in today's photo. I drew my design as I listened to the Dublin Philharmonic Orchestra live outside of Chicago. I have a link for the Adrian Symphany Orchestra that I have heard great things about as well.
My History: The whole time I am running my business, I am constantly taking classes. Sometimes they were local and other times I would travel for them. I would often go to Las Vegas and make a business/pleasure trip. My husband would gamble and I would learn about bead making, or installation, or glass blowing, or any number of other classes. I told my husband, I always got the better end of the deal on these trips. At least I came home with knowledge... not sure what he came home with, or how much he left behind.
Today's Business: Time to revisit an old quote and update it for a customer who is wanting to fundraise for a major renovation.
Pat Deere
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