
Day 26: I call this piece, "Trinity"

365 Days Of My Life As A Studio Artist: Day 26

Day 25 Donations: $ 2.196554

Donations Running Total: $28.85988

Day 26 Growth Idea: Inspiration. This quote means many things to me. And I know, people get their spiritual fix (or not) in different ways. I get mine by reading a lot of different things and taking time to meditate on them. They may be biographies, like "tuesdays with Morrie", sometimes fictional, like "The Shack", writings from various philosophers, and the daily readings from my church. What struck me today was: Jer 17:5-8 He is like a tree planted beside the waters that stretches out its roots to the stream: it fears not the heat when it comes; its leaves stay green; in the year of drought it shows no distress, but still bears fruit. This quote can mean many things to me. On days I take the time to do my daily reading and meditate, things just go better. I can work through stressful situations that might otherwise be quite difficult for me. It truly effects how I run my business. And, the same is true of my business, if I put all of the proper things in place, that planning is like the roots of the tree stretching out to the stream allowing my business to succeed during tough times. I call today's photo, "Trinity". Other than the face, I cut it from one sheet of beautiful glass. This picture does not do it justice. I will get a better photo, then post it on my web site.

My History: Another class I took during this period of time was a paper weight class with Don McKinney while at the AGSA Conference in Las Vegas. I still have the paperweight and it is the only one I have ever made. There was great growth for me here though. I decided "NOT" to buy all of the equipment it took to do paperweights in my studio. It was a fairly costly purchase had I done it. My normal behavior would have been to buy it on the spot. But, there were other things I was learning and I decided to concentrate on those areas first. I am actually happy that I was able to have the discipline to do that. It helped me to realize that sometimes it is better for me to enlist the help of other artist than to try to be able to do everything myself. It allows me to concentrate on what I am best at and still experiment with other areas of glass work when I can.

Today's Business: This was it for today. Updating my blog, putting my free class info on my web site and Craig's List. Then... off to Melvindale for more hockey. Enjoy your Sunday!

Pat Deere

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