Day 17 Donations: $19.72584
Donations Running Total: $26.37563
Day 18 Growth Idea: Better Communication Yesterday a customer came in to pick up a repair that wasn't finished yet. I try not to call anybody and tell them to come in until I know for sure their project is done. We had trouble with the sandblasting equipment that I couldn't predict. It took us about half a day - buying a new gun, nozzles, connectors, running to Tractor Supply and Tecumseh Plywood. With a detour to McDonald's for a Mocha! I really think my customer misunderstood, but I have to let my employees know to tell customers we will call them before they come in to pick up their glass. I told her I would deliver it to her when it's done so she doesn't have to make an extra trip. It was my mistake.
My History: I can't remember all of the details, but it seemed each time I moved I was pregnant with another child. So, that made me anxious to find a final place! But this second story studio worked really well for a while. I hired somebody to help me solder since I couldn't do it while pregnant. That brought on extra expenses that I didn't expect to have this early in the game. But, all along I knew this stage of my business was going to include a lot of growth and education. The studio was large enough that I could bring my children with me. I had a large area for them to play. During classes, I always had a baby sitter so I could give my students devoted attention. There was a young girl who would come into my studio and loved taking the boys for walks. I still see her sometimes today.
Today's Business: Besides following up on this blog and going to the bank, not much is happening today. My son is in his hockey tournament in Lansing. They are still a priority. I am going to try to fit in some time on my log furniture web site. We have almost all products in the "back end" but need to get them where customers can see them.
Pat Deere
LINKS: The Log Furniture Division
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