Day 21 Donations: $ .0287669
Donations Running Total: $26.6633
Day 22 Growth Idea: Get out my books and revisit some of the ideas I thought were so good. We are renovating our home. Our living room and office is down to the 2x4's and all of our stuff had to be moved. That meant, I was moving books from one place to the next. I love to read inspirational books and I don't give those away. They always help me in some way. Today's inspirational thought to help me through my day: Treasure The Quiet Moments. That is the quote engraved on the glass shown in the photo today.
My History: The rest of my time in the upstairs studio is kind of a blur. Still raising my boys and bringing them to the studio with me most of the time. Babysitters arranged when necessary. Most of the custom work I did at this point was small - hanging panels for gifts for people, etc. And that was ok because I was still learning - still am actually. Although the space I had was large and inexpensive, it was not very good for business. I didn't have main floor exposure and people had to walk up stairs to get to me. So... here I go looking again.
Today's Business: Got a ton of glass work done yesterday and plan to do the same today. Unfortunately, our office assistant is not feeling well. With her out and this being the normal day off for my studio help, I will have another day of uninterrupted work time. But first, I will be going to Hudson to look at a possible church restoration project. They are in the process of fund raising and need to know what they are looking at for costs. Not always easy because you never know what you will run into with old buildings. I have worked in this church before though, so that helps. I'll have to leave early because of the snow... most of the schools are closed for the day.
Pat Deere
LINKS: To see a few of the items I have ready for sale (including the one shown above), click here.
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