Day 34 Donations: $
Donations Running Total: $29.59957
Today's Growth Idea: Detach. This could be kind of lengthy. I was working out today and reading more of, "tuesdays with Morrie", by Mitch Albom. It always surprised me that I liked his books because I wasn't really a follower of his. In today's reading, Mitch was talking to Morrie about detachment. The way I understand their discussion, Morrie feels detaching comes after you have thrown yourself fully in to an emotional situation, becoming totally aware of the feelings, and then when you have that feeling again you are not afraid of where it might take you. He says you need to "pull it on like a comfortable shirt". I could totally relate to this and it helped me to understand why I am where I am today. You will see over the course of this 365 day blog, I have been through a lot both personally and in my business. Through deaths of my family members, my studio fire, and personal struggles, I have learned to get past situations and move on. But, I didn't get past them easily and many of them caused me to dig deep into searching for meaning in my life. It caused me to dig deeper into my faith. And, it made me more determined to make my business succeed. This year, I feel like I have done the groundwork already. Now, I am able to put all of these experiences to work for me. Experiences I have learned from that only make me stronger.
My History: During my time at this studio, I was fortunate enough to get the job of making slumped glass panel lamps for a very unusual restaurant in Adrian, MI called The Seasons. What I remember most about this project was the number of people involved in this lamp making process. It finally got
Today's Business: Spent all day loading a trailer and taking it to the Rock Financial Showplace, unloading it, setting up a booth, and getting home at 9:30pm.
Today's Photo: My aspen table lamp that matches my 4' log table. The table and lamp are made with stained glass, stones, and agate. They will be on my Pictures In Glass and The Log Furniture Division website soon!
Pat Deere
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