Day 33 Donations:
Donations Running Total: $29.59957
Today's Growth Idea: When you take control of your time, you take control of your life. Start your day with a plan of action (make your list the night before).
My History: Without having a sign it was important for me to advertise and try to get people into my studio. I got involved with the Chamber of Commerce. I participated in the local Home Builders Association home show. I set up a booth at the local county fair. Advertising was a tricky and expensive thing for me that was difficult to track the results of.
Today's Business: I already did this list. I woke up at 1am this morning thinking about all that I had to do before setting up for the show tomorrow. Experience has told me I am better off getting up and getting it off my mind instead of laying awake thinking about it. So, I got on the computer, did my daily reading/reflection, emailed myself a list of things I need to do today, and went back to sleep. So, when I woke up and found this idea when looking for tips for busy people, it hit home with me.
Today's Photo: It doesn't look like much but this is my floorplan for my show. I will be unloading log furniture (which is heavy), glass that I don't want broken, walls, etc. so knowing where they will go when unloading them off of the truck is important.
Pat Deere
LINKS: When I googled, "Lists for busy people", this was the link I got.
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