Day 28 Donations: .739719
Donations Running Total: 29.59957
Today's Growth Idea: "Have you found someone to share your heart with?" he asked.
"Are you giving to your community?
"Are you at peace with yourself?
"Are you trying to be as human as you can be?"
These are questions Morrie Schwartz asked Mitch Album in his book, Tuesdays With Morrie. Staying focused on what is important during busy times is as important to myself and my business as anything else. Getting ready for shows is always hectic. Trying to make sure I have enough to sell, the right things to sell, that everything looks just right. Even when I am busy, taking the time to read inspirational books like this one helps me to focus on what is important in my life... not just the physical and monetary things.
My History: Moving glass is not easy. I have done it before and I am doing it again. The good thing is that I had my glass bins built , my tables built, and was starting to acquire a stock of finished glass pieces. The space I was moving into had glass walls along the whole side of the space the faced the hallway. The really hard part was moving all of that stuff down the stairs, out the door, into a truck and back out again into my new space. NOTE: Having my bins and tables built was not so good when considering they had to be disassembled before moving them and reassembling them.
Today's Business: Still getting ready for my show. I was able to borrow some walls from another business that will allow me to set up a separate space for a living room setting, a kitchen setting, and a bathroom setting. Yesterday we prepared the walls for painting and today they will get painted. I was able to finish a lot of glass yesterday and today we will polish them and pack them for the show. I started on the table inserts for my log tables and plan on finishing them today. I have one at Great Ideas Emporium in Tecumseh using my Iris Glass and glass bevels. The 4' table we are working on now incorporates beveled glass, clear textured glass, a beautiful brown agate, stones, and a border glass of brown that compliments the agate. It looks like things are starting to come together... and, it is getting exciting. It is at this point that I really need to remember to eat right, drink a lot of water, exercise, and keep my spiritual life in focus or I can get run down and sick. Getting up at 5am and working until 7pm is not always easy even though I love what I am doing.
Today's photo is my new piece called "Evergreen In The Fall". I'll be taking it to the show with me!
Pat Deere
Great Ideas Emporium
The Log Furniture Division
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