
Glass Sale & Give Away

Saturday 1/17/09 9am-3pm
I have accumulated, over the years, a fairly large supply of tools and equipment.  Some of it is new and some used.  It is taking up much needed space in my studio and I would like it to be put to good use.  Therefore, I am selling - at a very good price - a lot of old glass (which never goes old), and tools.  What is left after the sale may be purchased during regular hours.  Email Pat at info@PicturesInGlass.net for after the sale details.  Some of what I have includes: Inland DB100 Band Saw (used), Lamp Bases (used and new), Beveling Kit for Inland Grinder (New), Bevel Clusters (New), Glass 20-50% Off (Some exceptions).

Lead Free Solder Give Away ($30+ value - Details In Store)

GLASS GIVE AWAY - Same day & time
Yes, that is right.  I am giving away my scrap glass.  Most of this is glass that is left over from custom projects I have completed over the years.  The scrap, for the most part, will be boxes of pieces that are less than 1/2 square foot.  We have them sorted by color and because I am giving it away for free... I only ask that if you take the scrap, please take the whole box.  Taking a piece or two out of different boxes is ok, but we will charge 50cents a pound for the inconvenience.  This glass is good for mosaic work and small projects - or larger panels that are made up of a lot of colorful pieces.  I have a lot of it ... bring a box to transfer it into if you have one.

I often have free glass available to schools, 4-H Groups, etc.  If you have a need for your organization, contact Pat for more information.

CLASSES:  Visit my web page to find more information about my next free classes scheduled in January.  http://www.PicturesInGlass.net/classes 

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