
Day 14: Always Room For Improvement

365 Days Of My Life As A Studio Artist: Day 14

Day 13 Donations: $

Donations Running Total: $1.975587

Day 14 Growth Idea: Studio Organization It seems like the studio is in a constant state of rearranging to make room for whatever project I am working on next. Today, I am clearing the last shelf unit of paint, etc. to make room for kiln shelves and molds, which will then make room for my wood and styrofoam sheets, which will make room for me to move tables to set up glass easels. That's for this project anyway.

My History: So, I started out in my little studio, giving classes, creating some custom designs, and taking care of Matthew. The whole time, Travis kept growing in my belly. My studio was feeling smaller and smaller and I realized it just wasn't going to work for me if I was going to continue along the path I was taking. Then, come March of 1991, Travis was born. All of those fears I had about not being able to love a second child as much as I loved the first was put to rest. I think it is a natural thing that your heart grows each time another child is born.

Today's Business: Besides the studio rearrangement... my bookkeeper is coming today and will start working on my personal stuff. Paperwork is by far, my least favorite activity. I am helping Brandi work on my crushed glass pieces and I will be cutting the glass needed for my log table inserts. I have one for a 2' end table and another for a 4' coffee table. I'll be taking these to the Cottage and Lake House Show at the Rock Financial Showplace at the end of the month.

Pat Deere

LINKS: Cottage and Lakefront Living Show, February

1 comment:

  1. "Trinity" is magnificant! It is now my desktop background.

    Have fun at the home show.
